My 10 year old daughter was just diagnosed with ODD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The ODD behaviors have been around since about age 3, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) became noticeable more around age 5. At 3 she'd very occasionally have ODD issues at daycare/pre-school, but was ODD at home so often it was making me crazy. Since she started regular school, she has been the perfect student with all her teachers, has no trouble making friends, and is ahead academically. She's just a royal pain in the a** to me and her dad! I'm having trouble seeing how she can be ODD but only at home....makes me think my ex and I did something to mess her up towards us (ODD behaviors were around several years before we even thought of divorce so know that didn't "trigger" it.) Anyone else have a child who saves this behavior for mom and dad only?