On my way to a headache


New Member
I stopped at home this morning so I could have a cup of coffee and check in with everyone. Oh and maybe vent a little about my morning. :crying:

I had a really rough morining with difficult child and ended up taking him to school almost an hour late. Had to let him calm down before taking him in my car. I swear some days he really tests my patience to the breaking point. :nonono:

Anyway crossing my fingers that I don't get a call from the school before my ARD meeting for difficult child. We are supposed to be meeting with a behavioral therapist. Well see how it goes.
I planned to go to work and check on things before my meeting this morming but I got thrown off by difficult child's blow up.

I hope everyone else has a better morning and will check back with you guys later.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh, so sorry. Glad you could have some coffee and park at the computer to decompress for a bit.
Good luck getting to the mtng! I've got my fingers crossed.