Right. Until your son is stable, I would request that they scrap the Strattera. While ADHD can be comorbid with BiPolar (as well as the ODD), my understanding is that it can also be more of a symptom of unmanaged BiPolar. You may find signs of the ADHD and ODD start to subside once the BiPolar is managed well with the Seroquel and a good mood stabalizer.
Another thing that comes to mind...is he at a theraputic level of Seroquel? I don't remember your previous post(s)...did he go into the psychiatric hospital on it, or did they put him on it once he was admitted? How much is he taking? Luckily, the atypical antipsychotics seem to take effect pretty quicky, so at least you get some benefit from those rather immediately. But, if the Seroquel alone is not doing enough to control his manic episodes, that is a sign that it's time to pull in the big guns, so to speak (i.e. a true mood stabalizer).
Good luck. But, like the others, I would definately push to get him off of the Strattera, which could definately be making things worse for him!