the town north of me recorded minus 18 before windchill factor- they are 10 miles away from me, so I assume it is that cold here, too.
Many schools around me are closed, many becuz of burst water pipes or no heat in the buildings, some have school but no busses. Ours have school today but, our bus did not come and my car battery is dead as a doornail. I tried for an hour to call easy child in but the attendance line was busy the whole time, and then the voicemail for it could not take more calls. :-( Called the main office and they were refusing to accept call ins by phone, so it will be interesting to see what they end up doing? I heard tomorrow we are supposed to still be this cold BUT also get up to 6 inches of new snow! Then it is supposed to get a lil warmer till next weekend. BBBBbrrrrrr. Everything in my garage fridge froze rock solid. :-( including my coffee cream.