New Member
Hello kind friends - I posted here many years ago, but it has been a long time, so I should probably start fresh. My story is similar to so many of yours. My son is 25 now, but has been "troubled" for most of his life. His drug use started in his early teens....marijuana has always been his drug of choice, but he has experimented with many others. He spent time in juvenile detention, dropped out of high school, finally got his GED (I was thrilled!). He caused so much trouble at home for us that I helped pay for an apartment for him for several years. Of course, he tore that place up and ended up moving back home with me. I am twice-divorced....can't blame that only on my son, but let's be honest....these kinds of kids are hard on a marriage! I now have a very understanding boyfriend. My son basically beat him up this past November, because my boyfriend said something to him like, "You need to treat your mother with more respect." My son, who I'm quite sure was on drugs at the time, pretty much went crazy and went after my boyfriend. My boyfriend just held him down as best he could, while I called the police. Long story, son ended up doing about 30 days in the county jail. Around Christmas time, his biological dad started to feel sorry for him, and talked me into bailing him out for the holidays. So, we did. He came back to live with me. It was difficult because he and my boyfriend could not be around each other. We hung in there until January. Son had a court date, and I took the day off work to drive him downtown. Murphy's Law struck - it was rainy that morning, there was an accident, and we were running late for court. This time son went crazy on ME. He started screaming profanities at me, yelling at me to "drive faster" (which was impossible - we were stuck in traffic), and kept trying to grab the steering wheel. So dangerous - it was amazing I didn't wreck the car!! Then he punched me in the arm while I was driving. Something changed in me that day. He had never hit me before, and I decided I wasn't going to allow myself to be treated that way anymore. Fast forward to March - I moved out of the house that I had shared with my son, into a nice apartment with my boyfriend. Son is now homeless, living in a tent. Although that makes me sad, it is such a relief to be able to come home and not worry about what my son's state of mind will be on a given day. No more walking on eggshells! For the first few weeks after the move, I didn't hear much from him. Now son is starting to contact me more often, asking for rides, for me to help charge his devices, etc. I have been helping him here and there. It had been going ok until last night. He called me a little after 10pm, saying he had found a car he wanted to buy (he has some money saved up - about $1,000 I think). Obviously this would be, most likely, a junker used car. He said he had the cash to pay for it but wanted me to put my name on the title, since he has no mailing address. I forgot to mention that he has already totalled 2 cars; one of them was mine! So, of course I said no to his request. Well, that was met with cursing and yelling. I hung up on him. He tried calling me back multiple times; I didn't answer. Then he texted me repeatedly, ending with "sorry I'm not worthy." Today I am just feeling tired and depressed. Even though I finally made the move and no longer live with him, he is STILL finding ways to torture me!! I really don't want to change my cell number, as I've had it for years. I could block his number, but honestly, hearing from him occasionally is the only way I know he's alive. 
Wow, I didn't know this would get so long! Thank you all for "listening" and for letting me vent. I am supposed to be working from home, but just can't stop thinking about all of this. I feel like you all are the only ones who truly understand and "get it." I look forward to any and all responses. Take care, and stay safe and healthy out there.
Wow, I didn't know this would get so long! Thank you all for "listening" and for letting me vent. I am supposed to be working from home, but just can't stop thinking about all of this. I feel like you all are the only ones who truly understand and "get it." I look forward to any and all responses. Take care, and stay safe and healthy out there.