Nomad, I swear they don't tell us important info because they want usbto adopt the kids and they think we won't if we know.
In our case we were told nothing. It was another country, of course, but did they really know nothing? They only put down height and weight of birthmother and birthfather unknown.
To this day I believe Kay is alcohol affected. Although she has none of the facial features of fetal alcohol syndrome, which are obvious, one can have fetal alcohol Effects without looking any differently. However Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), as it is called, causes tons of puzzling behaviors such as possibly an inability to LEARN right from wrong (yes learn) and they are just ,"off." Learning disabilities and lack of common sense and a tendency toward substance abuse are all common. Temper tantrums too. Lack of impulse control.
If the birthmother uses drugs, she almost always drinks too and usually smokes, which are all harmful to a developing baby in utero. Add in unknown mental and physical health issues of both birthparents and and we are adopting special needs children without even knowing what issues they have. Nomad, there is no way you or I will ever know for sure, but look up fetal alcohol effects. I did and thought "Kay tics every box." It helped me understand her more, but she refused all help.
I think adoptions would turn out better if our social workers frankly told us what is common in our kids. It is different territory than having a bio kid and knowing what went into his developing brain and knowing your family's medical issues.
I thought adoption was the same thing as giving birth when we adopted Kay and would have argued with anyone who said it wasn't. But I was fooling myself. It is not the same even if the love from us is the same. It is a lot like buying a beautiful used car ,(not comparing a person to a car) and finding out a few months later that the car has major hidden issues that were kept from us. So we have to try to fix the car to make it function.
No, humans are not cars. But adopting our beloved children is raising a child with an unknown history with no DNA connection to us. I once truly believed that nurture trumps nature.. Now I think nature trumps all.
Suddenly we have to help a child with totally unknown issues and we aren't sure what we are even trying to fix. Or help. If we can.
I feel very strongly that social workers should have to tell us the risks so we have a clue. I had never heard of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) or Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE). I thought my daughter was going to be a normal, healthy child.
Well, rant.over.
I am praying for your squatter problem to end soon. Keep updating us,! With love!