Former desparate mom
Hi guys, it has been a week since that day when our cyber community was out of touch.
Last wednesday, difficult child walked across the stage as one of almost 900 graduating seniors. It was held in the former sports arena. He acted very dignified and serious through out the ceremony and when getting the diploma. As he returned to his seat, he looked up at me with a face cracking grin and gave me a "thumb's up". There wasn't a prouder student,mother,father or aunts and uncles in the whole arena. His smile said it all. It was a gratifying experience.
Sat. night we had a party. First off it was hot enough to fry eggs. Almost 100 degree's. It was brutal for the first 2 hrs. I also had 5 houseguests at the same time. We were on a heck of a roller coaster.
difficult child had invited several "mainstream" kids from school. I didn't expect them to come. They all did. I was impressed with their good manners and obvious affection for difficult child. They each told me difficult child was awesome or so nice. The girls were absolute knock outs. I was pretty pleased to see them interact with difficult child. I was impressed with difficult child choice of buddies. He used good judgement in his choice.
I gave difficult child the "talk" about being the host at his party (no video games, no disappearing, greeting and thanking party goers, offering beverages, chatting with each guest, yada,yada,yada) He grumbled but gosh, he was charming and gracious. /importthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif :laugh: . Considering how hot it was, I'm amazed. Close to the end, he let loose and was horsing around with the younger kids at their request but he had a great time and we were all very pleased with his behavior and graciousness. Many of the folks from the sd. who treated difficult child with dignity and were kind to him attended and were almost in tears at his progress(some were from a couple of years ago)
I thanked them for their help. Many want updates.
difficult child is very affectionate and very articulate about being worried about the next step. He and his brother are enjoying this week of being free from any committments.
At 13 yrs old, I could only imagine that difficult child would never live on his own. My worst nightmare was me at 70yrs old with my plastic purse walking on the boardwalk in Atlantic City paying for everything and doing everything for difficult child, while my 40yr old son with mismatched,soiled clothes and green teeth walking behind me and yelling about everything I did.
If he didn't make some leap that was where we were headed.
You don't have to have the most popular kid, or valedictorian of the class or a top athlete to see success in a child. No one worked harder towards graduation than my difficult child, his school and his parents. It was a monumental moment and a huge milestone. The future is open to all possibilities for him.
I doubted I would see this day or would be so bitter that it would be empty of joy.
It wasn't.
So I'm sorry to say that I couldn't give you an update sooner but cyberworld wasn't cooperating.
I have been a whirlwind of activities and I'm not letting the site suck the joy out of my days.
I'm sorry I'm not more efficient with technology. I hope I compensate with honest affection and time and caring.
So it has been a wild and crazy week in this house. Many hugs to those of you who have sent wonderful greetings and wondered how graduation went. I wish that each of you get to share this moment with your own difficult children.
Last wednesday, difficult child walked across the stage as one of almost 900 graduating seniors. It was held in the former sports arena. He acted very dignified and serious through out the ceremony and when getting the diploma. As he returned to his seat, he looked up at me with a face cracking grin and gave me a "thumb's up". There wasn't a prouder student,mother,father or aunts and uncles in the whole arena. His smile said it all. It was a gratifying experience.
Sat. night we had a party. First off it was hot enough to fry eggs. Almost 100 degree's. It was brutal for the first 2 hrs. I also had 5 houseguests at the same time. We were on a heck of a roller coaster.
difficult child had invited several "mainstream" kids from school. I didn't expect them to come. They all did. I was impressed with their good manners and obvious affection for difficult child. They each told me difficult child was awesome or so nice. The girls were absolute knock outs. I was pretty pleased to see them interact with difficult child. I was impressed with difficult child choice of buddies. He used good judgement in his choice.
I gave difficult child the "talk" about being the host at his party (no video games, no disappearing, greeting and thanking party goers, offering beverages, chatting with each guest, yada,yada,yada) He grumbled but gosh, he was charming and gracious. /importthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif :laugh: . Considering how hot it was, I'm amazed. Close to the end, he let loose and was horsing around with the younger kids at their request but he had a great time and we were all very pleased with his behavior and graciousness. Many of the folks from the sd. who treated difficult child with dignity and were kind to him attended and were almost in tears at his progress(some were from a couple of years ago)
I thanked them for their help. Many want updates.
difficult child is very affectionate and very articulate about being worried about the next step. He and his brother are enjoying this week of being free from any committments.
At 13 yrs old, I could only imagine that difficult child would never live on his own. My worst nightmare was me at 70yrs old with my plastic purse walking on the boardwalk in Atlantic City paying for everything and doing everything for difficult child, while my 40yr old son with mismatched,soiled clothes and green teeth walking behind me and yelling about everything I did.
If he didn't make some leap that was where we were headed.
You don't have to have the most popular kid, or valedictorian of the class or a top athlete to see success in a child. No one worked harder towards graduation than my difficult child, his school and his parents. It was a monumental moment and a huge milestone. The future is open to all possibilities for him.
I doubted I would see this day or would be so bitter that it would be empty of joy.
It wasn't.
So I'm sorry to say that I couldn't give you an update sooner but cyberworld wasn't cooperating.
I have been a whirlwind of activities and I'm not letting the site suck the joy out of my days.
I'm sorry I'm not more efficient with technology. I hope I compensate with honest affection and time and caring.
So it has been a wild and crazy week in this house. Many hugs to those of you who have sent wonderful greetings and wondered how graduation went. I wish that each of you get to share this moment with your own difficult children.