

Well, that's a new layer. In that case, no, I wouldn't do it. I can see how that would make her feel.

I'm not sure what steps you have taken so far to try to curb her behavior. Is there any way you can step up monitoring?

We monitor as best we can 24/7. I am constantly checking her activities on her MacBook(school provided). It is tied to her apple ID and I have possession of her cell phone so I see what she does without her realizing it. I do not go to bed until I'm 100% sure she is asleep now due to her having snuck out a couple times. I track her whereabouts via her MacBook as best I can when she is not with me. We have now, due to smoking pot and sneaking out, limited her interactions with friends to only certain ones at our home, unless she is at her grand parents for the weekend and then she has no one over. I know I can't stop her from interacting with them at school but I can try to maintain control of what happens when she is at home. We are looking into alarm systems with cameras to make sneaking out more difficult. I have had the school block some apps on her MacBook. She doesn't seem to care about consequences. I will do my best to prevent her from landing herself in legal trouble, but if she is bound and determined to do things that could get her in legal trouble then when she does end up in legal trouble I will not rush in and rescue/bail her. I will not enable her behavior in any way if I can help it.

Sister's Keeper

Active Member
Ugggh. It's a tough place. I don't even know what to tell you, other than the alarm system, which you have already looked into.

I don't imagine 14 is the easiest age under the best of circumstances.

I remember seeing a movie once where the parents nailed the windows shut and slept on a mattress outside the kid's door to keep her in the house.

Sorry. I'm no help at all.


To add to the list of difficult crap we are dealing with with the daughter she found out upon returning from her grand parents that a close friend killed himself yesterday evening. I hate this for her. It scares me that it will throw a group of kids that all seem to already be depressed into a tailspin. The boy (13 or 14) and several of their friends were walking down a street in a neighborhood when he did it. They were walking and he just stopped they realized he wasn't with the group and stopped and looked up from their phones as he did it. It seems earlier in the day he had pulled a gun put of his bag and when a friend threatened to call his grand parents whom he lives with due to an abusive home he pointed it at the kid until the kid backed off and then he put the gun away. None of the kids realized he had it when they were walking until he killed himself. I cannot imagine what the kids, parents and grandparents are all going thru. I am so glad my daughter was not staying at home this weekend or she may have been there as well when it happened.