two confusing movies I rented.


No real answers to life..
Isn't the fountain based on a book by Ayn Rand? Premonition looked like a dud and just would watch it to see eye candy Julian McMahon.....

I recently watched Bridge to Teribithia, cause I heard so many good things about it.....was a bit of a bummer at the end, I kept expecting the girl to show up in the make believe land....

scent of cedar

New Member
Know what we have been renting lately?

Old musicals.

Laurel & Hardy (I know, not musicals!), Chicago, Grease.

I am keeping my eye open for Cats.

I have All That Jazz.

Anyone else been watching old musicals?

Any to recommend?



Well-Known Member
haven't seen either movie.

Last movie I saw was on TNT ( I think),dumbo movie with George Clooney where he was a singer and he was on the run to meet up with his wife who was going to marry someone else. I know it got sucky reviews, but that movie was hilarious.

Wild Hogs just came out on dvd yesterday. I got it for my dad. I saw that in the theaters....on Janet's recommendation. That was a really funny movie.


Active Member
I have to tell you - I have been watching the most idiotic movies lately (desperate for a good laugh now that EVERYONE IS HOME 24 HOURS A DAY AND HAVE NOT SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT IN FOREVER)but I digress! :rolleyes:

"Shawn of the Dead", (can't wait until Super Fuzz is affordable!), "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle", and my absolutely favorite cry for happiness movie "Love Actually". :rofl:

I've been catching a lot on sattelite, but those three just make me laugh and relax. I'm huge on British comedies (my extended family, when we get together throw Monty Python around like most people converse!) so I guess it's not surprising that I like the ones above!



Well-Known Member
A couple we have enjoyed lately (mind you we have kinda bizzare tastes in movies) are "Roy O'Shea was Here." This movie take splace in Scotland and is about two young men confined to wheel chairs in assisted living who yearn to be independent. easy child and I watched it twice it was so good!

We love horror movies at our house and easy child, difficult child, and I loved "The Messengers." One of the best horror flicks I've seen in a while. "Cassino Royal," the James Bond movie was really good - we were kinda late seeing that one. "Kinky Boots" was a hoot and we really enjoyed "Because I Said So". One comedy we really enjoyed was "Norbit."

I told you, we have really strange, eclectic movie tastes at our house.


P.S. I just got "Premonition" in the mail from Netflix today and will send it back tomorrow based on the bad ratings you guys gave it!


New Member
I want to see Wild Hogs, too. Looks cute!

Beth, I love "Love Actually", too. The scenes of the airport where people are greeting their loved ones alone can make me tear up. Very well-written, I think. One of my faves.

"Family Man" is also a favorite of mine, but I'm quite partial to Mr. Cage, so . . . . could probably watch him watching grass grow. :devil: Hee hee.

Recently we watched the "Hannibal" movie. Talk about weird. Not at all what I thought it was going to be - and such a let down after Silence of the Lambs, etc. Another one that we rented a few weeks ago that wasn't really what I expected was "23" with Jim Carrey. Different, weird, but not great.

Oh well. Guess you can't hit the ball out of the park every time, right?

"Shooter" with Mark Wahlberg was graphic, but good, if you like that kind of movie. husband is into those and once in a while I have to consent - or risk my chick flicks being vetoed more frequently. Can't have that!! :rofl:



New Member
We have been hit with renting really bad movies lately. All started with Uncle P (does not get any dumber than this my friends). I didn't like Hot Fuzz or Norbit :frown: However Man of the Year with Robin Williams turned out to be pretty good. Last night we rented "Farce of the Penguins" which was ummmm, interesting and The Prestige which we haven't watched yet. We rented TMNT for difficult child when easy child was out with her friends and it was pretty cute.

Would love to go and see Stardust (I think that's what it's called), looks pretty good. Loved, loved, loved Wild Hogs!


Active Member
wont watch 300 or any horror films.
boyfriend made me watch "the grudge" I and II
no more horror for me. lol life is exciting and scarey enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck stick up.


New Member
husband loved 300, probably one of his favorites. I think I'm on the same boat as Nomad, still thinking about it.

Janet - I told husband to get Prestige instead of Shooter....opps! The Grudge gave me the creeps! Don't care for horror either.


Well-Known Member
Premonition was okay ... Bullock way overacted, which I blame on the director as much as on her. Some parts of it were interesting and fun.

The Fountain is SF, right? The Ayn Rand movie/book was The Fountainhead. Fantastic book, defintely B-grade movie.

I'm taking the kids to a D-grade movie today ... Daddy Day camp. Four boys and a dumb movie. But they're the right age for all that body humor ... burps, etc., kids running amok, chaos, and then a happy-ever-after ending. I don't care. I get to eat popcorn and stare at Cuba Gooding. :smile:


Former desparate mom
We love "Love Actually" too. I have seen it a couple of times.
husband laughs and quotes Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. It has to be the all time stupidest movie in the world but for some reason a lot of guys seem to think of it like a cult classic.

We watched "Fracture" with Anthony Hopkins. Good thriller as only AH can do. Recently rewatched "Crash". Everytime I watch it, I am more amazed at what more I see that I missed the last time. I highly recommend it but watch it twice. It's an amazing movie. Very powerful but very intriguing. You miss a lot the first time around.


Well-Known Member
The White Castle Movie is a big favorite around here, in NJ. That movie was so funny!

I don't care for horror movies, either. They are either really, really stupid or they creep me out, especially if it's something that could happen in real life. There was a movie that framed another guy for killing his wife....creepy, bloody and mean movie. I had dreams about it for weeks. No thanks.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
I loved Crash. I like Bullock so I didn't mind Premonition too too much (though I don't think she's such an amazing actress anyway, kind of like Julia Roberts to me - best in romantic comedies). My all time favorites include Overboard, Moonstruck, Legally Blonde & Sweet Home Alabama, Intolerable Cruelty.....can you tell I like romantic comedies? Haha -

Last movie we saw in the theater was Sicko. I liked it. I really want to see Stardust! I will see that with difficult child. H wants to see that Bourne movie (3rd installment I believe) but I hate that kind of stuff.

Another family favorite that ALL of us randomly reference lines from is Napolean Dynamite and Anchorman. Stupidest movies made, but My God, hilarious.


New Member
Nomad - difficult child had been mentioning Akeelah and the Bee and after reading what you thought we rented it this evening...I had tears in my eyes. What a wonderful and inspiring movie.