Update of difficult child and his PO- the short version


Your situation never ceases to amaze me, K, and not ina good way.

I don't have any answers or advice, other than to stick to your guns on this. But know I'm thinking of you.


Active Member
I don't suppose there is any intermediator system in place when Department of Juvenile Justice wants X and the parent wants Y??

That would be the judge who leans toward whatever the PO says. They usually appoint a GAL (in our state that's always an attny and usually a newly licensed one who has no kids but has 8 hours of training on how to be a GAL) and the GAL usually backs up the PO so then there are 2 people making the same recommendation to the judge.

That is why I had to testify for 3 flipping hours about everything in my life (literally) when I requested a hearing before the judge just to get the order for MST removed and be allowed to proceed with the treatment plan recommended by a state expert psychiatrist after that expert led a MDE on difficult child- also, PO had tried to order me NOT to pursue that MDE but I completely ignored that order. I told her I had every right to seek medical treatment for my child and would do so any time I felt it was necessary. I did win at that hearing but lost the battle for Residential Treatment Center (RTC) a year later.

So, this is what I'm saying- I have to go thru this process again and that is why I want to interview and choose an attny now instead of waiting until the 11th hour and being forced to hire the only one I can find at that time. Not for BT- but for the upcoming uproar that will surely come as soon as PO figures out that I'm not bluffing. I am allowed to request a hearing but don't have the same legal assurance a PO or GAL has that I will actually get it. But, I do have the right and want to get my ducks in a row in case I have time to request one before the PO does.

on the other hand, I need to consult with an attny to develop a strategy regarding timing of things. I'm trying to get a job outside of this state, where maybe they'll handle things differently so I wouldn't want to risk difficult child being turned over to dss if I end up in a state with a better Department of Juvenile Justice in a few months. Then, there are different things that come into play if difficult child is 17yo, although not a whole lot because I did support difficult child getting a regular or advanced high school diploma instead of voc/tech training and a ged, which would have allowed emancipation and a different transitional plan- he's still going to be in school so that makes a difference. I have been applying to gov jobs and currently have 3 apps approved by "higher ups" and forwarded to hiring management so maybe something will come thru soon. It takes months and many apps to get one offer with the gov.

But in short- no, it is definitely not equal standing between parent and Department of Juvenile Justice/PO the way it is between sd and parent in an IEP meeting.
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Active Member
thank you, Shari. We both seem to have the most unique and trying situations with our kids and the system.


Well-Known Member
It's exhausting and expensive but I completely understand the need to fight to the end. As you know I "lost" against the "the system" but I gave it my total best shot. Tenacity is in your blood like it is mine, lol. I'm always rooting for you. DDD


Active Member
thank you, DDD. Sometimes it isn't winning the fight that is most important to me. In my son's case, I think he needs to know that I put up the fight and not because I don't want him, but because I think he's worth more than a los/lose situation or a "plan" that has already proven not to work. I will lose, but my son needs to know I tried and fought, just like with the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) idea, because he'll never stand and fight for something he believes in if I don't.


Which states are the best for difficult children? We're thinking of moving too. Not because of bad services, but for other reasons.


Active Member
I'm not sure- especially since no states have money right now. All I'm banking on is that it can't be any worse than the one we are in. But I don't do well in cold weather so that narrows it down. LOL!