New Member
Hi, remember me (the overnight change). We went for the second blood test for strep, and it was negative. I know the doctor is not up on PANDAS, and I still think he might have missed something. We have an appointment for a full physical next friday, and I am going to ask for a neuro workup, and a multi-disciniplinary evalution. I don't know how receptive the pedoc will be, but I want some answers.
I am going to list the new behaviors, and then the older more unnoticed behaviors. If anyone can give me anymore info I would really appreciate it.
Newest Behaviors:
1. Sudden compulsion to tell everything
2. Sudden refusal to say certain words
3. Sudden repeating of phrases (forget I said that, or I don't
know if I did that on purpose.
4. Suddenly being unsure of everything she says or does.
5. Suddenly withdrawn, and spending time alone alot.
6. Saying it is all my fault, I'm stupid, and feeling uwnworthy
of our love. When we tell her we Love her she says "You do?"
7. Will not hug or kiss or respond to Good Night or Good bye.
8. Threw her 1st full blown tantrum in Walmart, because she could
not say please to get a toy.
9. Telling me she wiped her hands on something. I wiped my hands
on the couch, the curtains, my shirt, etc.
10.Not eating very much. Not sure if she is hungry.
11.No separation anxiety. Totally unlike her.
12.Doesn't seem to like the pets much anymore.
13.Compulsion with cuss words. Not saying, but thinking them.
14.Compulsion with having babies.
15.Compulsion with masturbation. She calls it wiggling, and says
it feels really good, and she needs to do it.
16.She says she only has negative(bad)thoughts, and that she is
never happy.
17.Doesn't want to do the things we used to do: read together,
piano lessons, schoolwork, baths, etc.
18.Doesn't ever want to go to bed.
19.Started snapping her fingers when she is upset.
20.Very angry, and more aggressive. Likes to fight.
21.Seems to enjoy others being upset.
22.Thinking that other people are talking about her or looking
at her.
23.Asking us to do something, and then saying she is not sure if
really want us to do it.
24.Inattentive doesn't seem to listen most of the time.
25.Seems confused as to her sex. Today I am a boy etc.
26.Can't make a decision about anything. She says what if I
realy don't want it, or I really don't want to do it.
Older Behaviors (still there)
1. Very clumbsy
2. Easily distracted
3. Constantly on the go. Never a down time, unless asleep.
4. Seperaton Anxiety (didn't ever want to be without mom)
5. Exteme fear of loud noises. Would put her in a frenzy.
6. Worried alot.
7. Disorganized, would lose everything, and her room is always a
total mess. I would have to help her clean it, because she
would get so overwhelmed, nothing would get done.
8. Compulsive talker, never quiet.
9. Very intelligent, and learns easily.
Older Behaviors (not doing anymore)
1. Very loving, and affectionate.
2. Saying I love you constantly, and asking how much we loved
3. Didn't like to play alone.
4. Helpful, and compassionate.
5. Stubborn, arguementative.
6. Wanted everyone happy.
7. Would go up and started talking to other children. Would
talk to anyone who would listen.
8. Easily frustrated with minor things.
9. Could communicate better with adults.
I am sorry this is so long, but I am desperate for info. I feel like I am losing my mind. What could start all this? We have an appointment with a child psychiatrist on the 29th, abut it seems so far away.
For the last 2 days she says: If I did (whatever it is) on purpose, I won't do it again. i have heard this 1000 times.
I don't know how to help, because I'm not sure what it is. I am reading up on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), but I don't think that is the only problem.
Thanks for listening