We go to my parents to see my whole side of the family the Saturday before Easter (yesterday). My parents still do a small basket for all of us (20 all together now!). And they hide eggs for all under age 16 kids. Kiddos had a blast and got an equal amount of goodies and good for them treats. We do not do anything at home anymore, haven't for several years and our kids don't seem to mind at all. I did make tiny bags of jelly beans with a cute tag for everyone yesterday (I am THE crafting maniac, afterall :smile: ) Aly and I made white chocolate suckers in Easter shapes and also put them in little bags with cute homemade tags. Was a great craft for her and I to do together and everyone loved them.
In our family for Xmas, "Santa" brings their Xmas stockings and we buy everyone their Xmas jammies and one or two small gifts. We have slowly been cutting the whole gift giving thing down every year and the kids still love just getting together with all their aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. and having a fun visit and good meal with them all.
This has been a more difficult transition for me than the kids, as I adore all the holidays! Especially Easter, everything is just so cute in the springtime!!
Anyways, interesting topic!!