Once upon a time there was a woman named Sharon :princess:. She had two children, one difficult child :blush: and one easy child :smile:.
After many years of marriage, her bonehead :hammer:, I mean husband asked for a divorce :tears:. After the initial shock wore off :wildone: she realized that, no matter what happened, she would be ok.
So, time moved on. She had to fight alone for her son :warrior: since the bonehead wouldn't admit there was a problem. difficult child began to make progress and he began to laugh :rofl: and smile :grin: at life again :bravo:.
Her easy child hung in there and began to mature into a lovely young woman :princess: who always seems to have a "hot guy" trailing behind :blush: :confused:
Mom began to realize that her life was hers and she began to make improvements :smile:. It has been a tough journey :smile: but life is worth the living.
It is now February and 2.5 years since she has been alone. She is a happier person :grin: and her children are thriving :smile:. For the kids, the only thing that would make this month better is a little of this :smile: so they can :smile:, but so far it has just been *. But, mom knows that there is another benefit to February :smile:.
So, I offer a toast to all the :warrior:s out there and wish for all of you a little :smile: this month. I toast myself :smile: and all of us who struggle to raise these difficult children :crazy: while maintaining our sense of self.
I know that :smile: and you do too!!!!