Hi Everyone,
I am new here and writing this with desperation and hopelessness. I have a 5 year old son who has serious problems. He wasn't "typical" from birth, although at the time I didn't know that since he was my first. I have since had another child and now understand that the way my son has acted since birth was not normal. From the time we brought him home from the hospital he screamed, cried and had fits. My husband and I did not sleep for the first 6 months of his life. The ONLY time my son would sleep was if I was holding him firmly sitting up or rocking in a rocking chair. We were told he was just "colicky." I would complain to my friends about how hard it was and how exhausted I was and they would just look at me funny. My maternity leave was such a nightmare that I was glad to go back to work. Since then things have only gotten worse. My son began getting in trouble at daycare at age 2. We also could not do anything to control his behavior at home either, despite trying everything, and I do mean everything. He started Kindergarten this year and is already on a behavior plan. Last Friday he punched another child and was formally written up so now we have a meeting with the principal. I'm pretty sure I know how this meeting will go...she will tell me what happened and look at me like it's my fault and I should know how to fix it. Well I don't. Before I had children I thought these types of behaviors were reserved for kids who were abused, neglected or exposed to drugs/alcohol. My son suffered none of these and comes from a loving, stable home. Here are some of his behaviors: no fear/respect for authority, does not listen to or follow instructions, deliberately annoys those around him, hitting/aggressive behavior, extreme hyperactivity, unable to focus on one thing for longer than a minute, lies, steals, tantrums/rages. He has been evaluated by a psychiatrist with a working diagnosis of ADHD and Mood disorder. We have tried Adderal, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Focalin and some others and they either didn't work or made him worse. We also started on Abilify with slight success but even that has fizzled out, even with increased dosages. We tried Zyprexa last week which made him scream for 3 straight hours. Now I guess we'll have to go back to the drawing board yet again. I don't know what to do to help him anymore. Some days I just don't think I can face another day of dealing with him. I feel like such a horrible mother for saying this but sometimes I have to dig really deep to remember that he is my son and I love him. Which of coarse I do. My husband also tries so hard but this is tearing our family apart. Thank you for listening to my story, maybe somebody else out there has the same story as me.
I am new here and writing this with desperation and hopelessness. I have a 5 year old son who has serious problems. He wasn't "typical" from birth, although at the time I didn't know that since he was my first. I have since had another child and now understand that the way my son has acted since birth was not normal. From the time we brought him home from the hospital he screamed, cried and had fits. My husband and I did not sleep for the first 6 months of his life. The ONLY time my son would sleep was if I was holding him firmly sitting up or rocking in a rocking chair. We were told he was just "colicky." I would complain to my friends about how hard it was and how exhausted I was and they would just look at me funny. My maternity leave was such a nightmare that I was glad to go back to work. Since then things have only gotten worse. My son began getting in trouble at daycare at age 2. We also could not do anything to control his behavior at home either, despite trying everything, and I do mean everything. He started Kindergarten this year and is already on a behavior plan. Last Friday he punched another child and was formally written up so now we have a meeting with the principal. I'm pretty sure I know how this meeting will go...she will tell me what happened and look at me like it's my fault and I should know how to fix it. Well I don't. Before I had children I thought these types of behaviors were reserved for kids who were abused, neglected or exposed to drugs/alcohol. My son suffered none of these and comes from a loving, stable home. Here are some of his behaviors: no fear/respect for authority, does not listen to or follow instructions, deliberately annoys those around him, hitting/aggressive behavior, extreme hyperactivity, unable to focus on one thing for longer than a minute, lies, steals, tantrums/rages. He has been evaluated by a psychiatrist with a working diagnosis of ADHD and Mood disorder. We have tried Adderal, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Focalin and some others and they either didn't work or made him worse. We also started on Abilify with slight success but even that has fizzled out, even with increased dosages. We tried Zyprexa last week which made him scream for 3 straight hours. Now I guess we'll have to go back to the drawing board yet again. I don't know what to do to help him anymore. Some days I just don't think I can face another day of dealing with him. I feel like such a horrible mother for saying this but sometimes I have to dig really deep to remember that he is my son and I love him. Which of coarse I do. My husband also tries so hard but this is tearing our family apart. Thank you for listening to my story, maybe somebody else out there has the same story as me.