Wish us luck - update


I haven't been around much again, one month after dad died, husband was admitted to the hospital in the middle of the night for an emergency appendectomy. They removed the appendix, and a large tumor inside it. Lab results have come back that it isn't cancerous, but those few days of not not knowing were exhausting. In addition, husband suffered ileus for 3 days post-op. On his 5th day in the hospital, a Friday, his bowel finally started working, and they allowed him to start drinking about noon. In light of the kids' prom on Saturday, the doctor let me bring him home at 4pm Friday without having eaten solid food (or really drank much...) before leaving, and while I appreciate the doctor letting him come home early for that, boy did it add to the load. So the Saturday of prom, I had to finish one dress, alter another minorly, AND keep poking bland food and drink at husband, who couldn't sleep thru the night. Thank G*d that's over.

We've been heavy into what to do for school next year for difficult child 2. He's doing so well at the early intervention preschool (he graduates today!), but the leap to mainstream public school just doesn't look do-able. The district is more than willing to work with us, but going from a class of 8 with 2-3 teachers to a class of 20 with 1, possibly 2, teachers, don't see it happening. difficult child 2's behavior therapist, in home therapist, Occupational Therapist (OT), and dev pediatrician all agree. His teachers at the early intervention school think he can make it *IF* the environment is just right and fitted to him. Now really, is that going to happen? Plus, the teachers from the school district saw him at the early intervention preschool doing so well and wanted to know why he was even there. And so far, they are the ones left with the decision of classroom placement. Not exactly "support" flowing from those words.

So...the Occupational Therapist (OT) at the preschool suggested Montessori school. I've checked out the 2 local schools, and it looks like a perfect fit. I am dropping off the application on my way to his graduation this morning!

So please cross your fingers, rattle some beads, say a prayer that he's accepted and we can financially figure out how to make this fly!

Will update more later, lots going on here!

difficult child 1 gradautes this Saturday!


No real answers to life..
Have heard good things about the Montessori method, hope it works for you!

Congrats on difficult child 1 graduation, its a milestone.....


New Member
Fingers crossed, rattling beads, and prayers going up that difficult child 2 gets accepted to the montessori school!!!

Congrats to difficult child 1 on graduation!!!! Woohoo!!!!

So sorry to hear about your father and husband's illness. Glad husband is home and recovered now! :::hugs:::

Keep us posted on the Montessori applications!!! Have fun at the graduations!


Wow, that was fast. difficult child 2 has a spot at the Montessori school! WOOHOO!!!!

I am still going to visit the public kindergarten tomorrow, but I don't anticipate him going there. I just can't see how they've improved the situation enough since the time difficult child 1 was there to be ready to really handle difficult child 2. difficult child 2 makes difficult child 1 look like an ice cream party....

difficult child 2's graduation from the preschool this morning was very cute. Overkill, but cute. They had little gowns with little baseball caps with mortar boards and tassles stuck on the top. Very cute. They had each child walk across a "bridge" and stand in the middle while the director read their names, their parents' names, where they will be going on to kindergarten, and a little attribute about them. difficult child 2 was "energetic and friendly in room 5". He was very proud.

Other updates...easy child 1 graduated from his tech school 2 weeks ago and is employed full time for the county with great benefits. difficult child 1 has, in usual form, screwed around the last part of the year and had several suspensions, but nothing has been life threatening yet and he's still slated to graduate. I just pray for his ship date to hurry and get here. He has made one phone call for a job, but I'm going to be on him like stink on poo tonight if he doesn't make 2 phone calls today... He will NOT sit around my house all summer with nothing to do. He was kind enough on mother's day to move while I was cleaning each room without being asked! lol Naw, seriously, I do love the boy, but its time.

Some of you may recall a girl who had been difficult child 1's friend thru the years, she got in trouble last year and asked me to help her get into counseling. Well, she got into drugs, alcohol, dealing, etc, and has done another 180. She's been home almost 9 months, back in school, will be graduating with her class. So that's good news.

They kids looked wonderful at prom, difficult child 1 included. I looked like death warmed over, as husband's surgery and making 1 prom dress and altering 1 prom dress also took place that week from you know where. But I'll have to post photos, it all turned out great.


Well-Known Member

the graduation sounds adorable! And, glad he got the acceptance for k next year that you wanted.

Can't wait to see the pics.
