Yipee! We made it through his party!


New Member
It is a first in Sammy history. This was the first year Sammy didnt scream though his birthday party. We just had a few people over and had cake at the house. I am so happy I cant even tell you!


Mom? What's a difficult child?
Good for him!!! We have had to go the mellow route with Birthdays for the girls as well!!! No-one gets it, but I don't care anymore!!! As long as the poor kids can remain tear free... for most of it!!!

Way to Go!!! :bravo: :thumb:


Well-Known Member
That's great news Dara.

I had to laugh at the subject of your post because my 16 yo difficult child had her birthday party tonight... bonfire, boys, girls. husband and I just sighed a sigh of relief that it's over and there were no problems.

So see, it doesn't get any easier.



Must be a night for parties. J had his birthday party tonight. He took four friends to an Orioles game in Baltimore. Not too much out-of-control behavior so husband and I, too, are breathing a sigh of relief. Two of the boys are spending the night, and as it nears midnight, they're in our family room watching DVDs of "The Simpsons." All is quiet so I'm hoping they'll nod off to sleep soon.

Dara, I'm so happy that all went well with Sammy's party. And same for your difficult child's party, Nancy.


Great job! :bravo:

This MUST be the day/night for parties. difficult child went to a pool-party birthday party today.


New Member
It was quite a relief! Other than my niece blowing out his birthday candles, everything went well! :smile:
Today, he is mister serious. I dont think he feels great. He hasnt eaten in 2 days. I love that phase. How toddlers sustain life is beyond me!
Congrats to all of you who had succesful parties!! :bravo:
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!


Active Member
Add me to the partying moms list! My daughter turns 9 tomorrow so today we went and got her ears pierced (gift from grandma) and tomorrow I'm taking her and a girlfriend out to the pottery place and a nice dinner.

Dara, I'm so glad that things went well for you! I used to hold my breath when difficult child's birthday rolled around and even worse for other kids' parties since I had no control over the stimulation...or treat bag contents.


New Member
Glad all of *your* parties went well... Over here? Not so much.

Seb went to a tennis birthday party today- a recipe for disaster but one I couldn't refuse because Seb is very close with the party boy. At a certain point, Seb pulled a Macenroe(sp?)-- threw his racket, screamed: "I hate this!" and left the court. He stomped off, mutttering about how much it all sucked. On the sidelines he sulked and gave me and everyone his signature evil look; the one in which he lowers his chin, raises his eyes and stares. Lots of fun :smile:

His mood turned on a dime and moments later he mustered enough bravado to give it another go only to stomp off again after a few minutes carrying on about how things were unfair, everyone was cheating and so on.

Birthday parties are stressful. I ordinarily try to limit his party going because it is so hit or miss with his mood. Parties and group activities tend to set him off.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear he got through the party without a crying episode. Sometimes too many people is just tooooo much stimulation!

My difficult child had her 16th birthday party Friday night. No friends - she did not invite any. Oh well!