
  1. veggiegymrat

    Any weight gain supplements besides Ensure?

    My son has been losing weight since on Adderall XR, so I've been giving him Ensure. Does anyone know of a better product? The ingredients in Ensure are ****. Thanks for any replies.
  2. TerryJ2

    difficult child trying Imiprimene

    Hi all, we visited the psychiatrist today. We are trying Imiprimene, which I'd wanted b4 we wasted our time (and difficult child's health) on Prozac and Zoloft, but you know how you have to jump through hoops. I hope this works. We have to do a blood draw in 6 wks. It also helps with-bedwetting and is...
  3. TiredSoul

    Major Aggression and Meltdowns Daily

    The pediatrician hasn't called us back - I also have a call in to the psychiatrist! difficult child has been having problems at school during recess everyday and has been super aggressive after school which then leads to him getting in physical fights with his friend. We are to the point where we will...
  4. V


    how do i join a group? Im new to all this and has no idea on where to start. thanks
  5. S

    Tired and feeling hopeless...

    I'm back. It's been awhile since I was on here and I used a different name them - it was butterflydreams. Anyway, life has been very hectic since this last summer. I am no longer working, I am going to school full time now. My daughter took the GED in May and aced it! She is now...
  6. Big Bad Kitty

    medication question and Tink update

    SO, Tink now has a formal diagnosis of bipolar and ADHD. For a couple years, all prior to her first psychiatric hospital visit, she was on Abilify. DUring those years we have trialled Metadate (made her cry), Focalin (made her violent), Tenex (made her sleepy), Prozac (turned her into her own evil twin). She was on...
  7. KTMom91

    "It feels like someone is yelling at me in my head."

    Miss KT just called. She says the yelling used to happen all the time when she was little, but then it went away. She says it makes her feel like she's in trouble, so I asked if if she'd done anything she wasn't happy about, thinking maybe it was a conscience-type thing. No, just lots of...
  8. P

    cognitive inflexibility--HELP!

    I'm looking for some help here on how to help difficult child 2 who seems to get very stuck on one way of thinking or in some emotion. When he had his neuropsychologist testing done the tester obseved that he had the highest number of attempts she had ever seen on this one test (moving pegs?)--he persevered...
  9. P

    Hi - I am new

    Let me introduce myself - my name is Michelle and I am a happily married mother of two children. The problem child is my 16 year old daughter. She has always been "that" kid. You know, the one always in trouble? Started in daycare and has been progressively worse. Now, she has been expelled...
  10. N

    Hope this is not a stupid question...what is normal?

    I have lived for 5 yrs with my precious difficult child whom I love very much. Our lives were in a constant uproar because of his behaviors that all of it over time seemed like a very normal lifestyle and behaviors even though I knew they were all abnormal. Now that we have him on medications and seemed to have...
  11. P

    Let the Focalin begin...

    I spoke with difficult children' psychiatrist about starting him on a low dose of a stimulant (5mgs Focalin XR) to see if it might help with his bedwetting (primarily) and some attentional stuff (minor) and the doctor agreed - mom picked up the prescription today. Prior to, I had talked with both difficult child and his mom about the...
  12. R

    New to Boards...Need some advice

    my stepson will be 8 in July. He has been diagnosed ADHD for almost a year now and currently being tested for possible bipolar (his bio mom is bipolar) hes a great kid, very sweet and sensitive but there are times when i dont know what to do..far too many lately. ive noticed changes over the...
  13. T

    Questioning Diagnosis - VERY long

    My difficult child was diagnosed at 3 yrs old with ADHD. They put him on Adderall since he was very small for his age and that was the only thing that came in a small enough dose. It was VERY scary watching my 3 yr old "tripping". He acted like he was on a drug high! At 5 yrs old, he was finally big enough...
  14. Janna

    ADHD medication Advice

    Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL! Dylan...
  15. N

    My 13 yr old disrespects his stepmom

    My son is 13 as of April this year and he is developing a seriously bad attitude, mostly against his stepmom.He will argue with her over the smallest thing, lie to her face, disrespect her in front of others and alone, he's been caught stealing at school, he told my wife he was going to one...
  16. grmac

    Adderall-Day 1

    Hello all!! Well, we finally got through all the red tape and months of evaluations etc. and to the psychiatrist. Began AdderallXR at 10mg yesterday. Tweety Bird slowed down quite a bit. Actually watched a little TV because her neighborhood friends couldn't play right away. She was more manageable and wasn't...
  17. C

    First Dose Colinidine Last night appitite still lacks all week from adderall xr..

    Well I been trying to feed him breakfast he eats a lil or not at all. Lunch he doesnt even eat half his lunch, same with dinner is less half or none. I know this is why he feels nausua from the Adderall Xr and now the Clonidine! Im trying sooo hard to get him to eat- Im letting him eat almost...
  18. C

    How much more can we take? When will violence calm down? Nausa from Adderall xr

    I don't know if there is anything like that here, My friend in CT work with a compony who sends him to help with mainly kids, one adult with various issues, Autism, Depression etc, just to "spend time " with them. He is getting is Psychology degree. I know theres like Occupational Therapist (OT) who come but thats scheduled...
  19. Lothlorien

    Adderall added today.

    psychiatrist wanted to add something to help her with school. She started summer school today, so we started her on it today. Her room was an absolute disaster...horrifying. I've been on her about it for weeks, but after the death of a favorite aunt on Father's day, I relaxed a little. I went to...
  20. M

    Metadate vs adderall?

    I was just wondering if anyone has experience w metadate? My difficult child has been on it since oct. first it was 10mgs then 20 now 30 mgs once a day. I have noticed side affects since increasing like J being very quiet, not eating, saying his ears ring ect... I have been splitting the pill 1/2 in the am...