Casey Anthony Bombshell!


call 911
So --------

And what mrsammler said REALLY hit home with me about she's OBVIOUSLY a sociopath and her parents have been on again, off again enablers, with occiasional spasms of fury at her, for most of her life, and this is the bitter harvest.

First - VERY well said. Second - If THIS doesn't send every parent at least THINKING about looking at their kid when they say "I don't want to go to counseling, and taking a pro-active stand and really BEING the parent and saying "OH yes you are...because I'm not willing to risk not doing all I can to change your mapping and going to be on trial in 10 years like these folks." I have NO idea what it would take to get through anyones skull what would.

You see a problem with a child, then you ALLOW the child to tell YOU what the solutions are going to be - and this is what you end up with. Someone must be feeling pretty bad right now, because NO ONE to my knowledge has come out and said "We tried to take her to therapy." They're just saying "We know she was molested, and this is how she acted out???" WOW. WOW.

That being the case? She is ONE SCARY individual.


Well-Known Member
I knew nothing about this case other than what I had read here (it does not feature in French news...). So I did a little internet research, for what that is worth... What I don't understand is WHY Casey, who seems a very tough, hardened character, would have murdered her daughter?? Is it not more likely that she died somehow of neglect and Casey is now lying valiantly, and absurdly, to avoid admitting that?
But then... life is stranger than fiction and really anything is possible. But what motive is being suggested?


Well-Known Member
Malika, either Casey was busy nightclubbing or working and left her daughter, drugged, in the car, to "sleep" because it was more convenient, and it was an accident, or
she was jealous of her daughter and the attention she got, sick of taking care of her and just wanted to get rid of her.
At least, that's my take on it.


Well-Known Member
The first explanation seems plausible - except that apparently the autopsy report found no drugs in the child's body at the time of death.
It seems like such a bizarre and complex case with very little hard or conclusive evidence. Casey Anthony has obviously damned herself in the public's perception because of the many lies she has told. The lies imply guilt. Of some sort.


Star, as a parent of a "challenging" child, don't think for a second my mind doesn't wander down a similar path on occasion....

Its why I wrestle with the school situation with Wee so danged hard....damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Well-Known Member
Malika, there was a very long period of time between when the child was first reported missing and when the body was found. And her death probably occurred at least a month before she was reported missing. When her body was finally found, it was so decomposed that they were unable to determine the cause of death and they were probably unable to tell if there had been drugs in her body either. It's very hot and humid in Florida and a body left outdoors would decompose very quickly.


Shooting from the Hip
I'm with Shari.

Onyxx and Jett may not be my bios or even legally my anything. But I will do everything I can to TRY to help them. If they take what if offered and run with it (not so far, but there's some time left), great - if not - at least I can say I did everything I knew to do.

But that doesn't mean they don't drive me crazy occasionally. It DOES mean I won't do anything horrible to them.


Love me...Love me not

I know I'm late to this discussion...

but if Casey really was drugging her daughter (pretty plausible) then she was not actually lying when she told her mother about "Xanax the Nanny" er Zanny the Nanny. Cindy just assumed (as anyone would) that Zanny must be a real, live person. After all, who would drug a toddler?

And Casey probably did not start with chloroform - she would have experimented with different things: cough medicine, xanax....and found that some were more effective than others.

And assuming that Casey was THAT selfish - we know she did not rush to pull the child from the car as soon as the drug would have worn off. The child would have lain locked in the trunk crying and scared for hours at a time. Days? Let's hope not...

And since Casey could not have a child crying and screaming...thus the need for duct tape. The child would have fought the duct tape - resulting in the need for multiple strips.

So - the child's death might have been the result of the duct tape....or the incorrect use of the drug...or overheating in a hot car on a Florida summer day.

It might have taken Casey several days to even realize what happened.

And THEN she would have had to find a "real-life" Zanny...

and some other plausible reason for not realizing her child was dead.

Just my .02


Well-Known Member
Chloroform? Really, as a babysitter? She's gonna fry...that's beyond accident. The lies she told not only about her mom being in a mental institiution to a "Tia", which when confronted, Caylee played dumb, but the BFF who she only knew for 5 months and she stole the enitre bank account of? Please! The jury sees all this and goes by common sense.The defense would have a better chance if the pleaded "insanity". I would kill her in a heartbeat if on that jury. If any of you knew me in real life, I am the most smiling, forgiving, loving, of all Special Education people and kids, there is in this world, and I would really give anyone the benefit of the doubt. But I would give her the death penalty. I do have an ODD, ADHD child, and he does have the heart of gold whom I do love. This Caysee, oh no, if she were my daughter, I would want her to plead insanity because she totally is insane. I feel so bad for her parents and brother, how dare she????!!!!

Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired
Interesting tidbit - Juliette Lewis, her make believe friend - anyone realize that is the actress that starred in Natural Born Killers. Kinda creepy seeing what kind of movies she was renting that day from the video store


Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired
They let in the names of the movies I think but didn't read anywhere about the coincidence about the Juliette name.

I did go look at the trailer for Natural Born Killers -have seen it before but still was an eirey connection in looking at it again


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think this is it: So - the child's death might have been the result of the duct tape....or the incorrect use of the drug...or overheating in a hot car on a Florida summer day.

It might have taken Casey several days to even realize what happened.

And THEN she would have had to find a "real-life" Zanny...

and some other plausible reason for not realizing her child was dead.



Well-Known Member
I may be wrong but I was under the impression that she had been speaking about this "Zanny" person to her parents for quite a while before the little girl disappeared. She would tell her parents that the child was with "Zanny" while she was supposedly at her job at Universal Studios that didn't exist.

Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired
One factor is I think Casey realized that soon Caylee would soon be getting to an age where she would be a lot more verbal in being able to say where she was and what was going on and that was going to put a damper on Casey's party life



Well-Known Member
Do we all agree that Casey is a liar? I don't know why any of us would believe a word she says. I think we all believe that she is a pathological liar and that many of us have issues with our own difficult child's ability to tell the truth under any circumstances so we know one when we see one.

Her father has admitted having a drinking problem and correcting the problem. Other than that her parents both worked consistently, and provided a decent home for Casey and her brother - who so far as I know has not had significant troubles in life. Throughout her young life they had difficulties with her and had troubles being consistent with discipline, sometimes rescuing her from problems with school and boyfriends. None of that sounds too far afield from what happens with us and our kids, either. In fact it sounds far more "average American family" than some of us.

Am I missing something for which Casey is not the source of information that Cindy and George were anything other than overwhelmed parents who did what they could? I understand why they would have a difficult time going on TV and saying their daughter is a monster who killed their baby. There never should have been so much media coverage for such a private family matter, but it is what it is and they had to live it. Can you say with certainty that you would have immediately known how to graciously handle the situation in the circumstances?

I have a real problem with saying that Casey putting duct tape over Caylee's nose and mouth, drugging her, driving her body around in the trunk of the car then triple wrapping her in trash bags is what Cindy and George should have expected out of her. Am I wrong? Am I missing some giant detail about the way that they raised her that would turn her into such a monster? I mean, if someone can please give me a source other than Casey that shows that these people were more than an average family with average problems and a difficult child kid, I'll be happy to listen and take it into consideration. But, I find it difficult to hear anyone say that what Casey did should have been expected as a natural consequence of Cindy and George's parenting.

Casey did what Casey did. No one forced her to do that. No one should expect that her childhood made her do it. I don't know what makes a person do that and I never hope to know. But I have a real problem with blame being placed on anyone but her. Since when are we so into blaming everyone else's parenting for their children's behavior? All of us know darned well that we would NEVER allow anyone to point at us and say "Well, no wonder your difficult child vandalized this or stole that. Look at how you raised him. You should have expected it." Why are some of us here so willing to blame Casey's parents when the only source of information for abuse by them comes from someone we all know is a pathological liar. Frankly, it turns my stomach and makes me wonder what kind of people I have actually called "friend" all these years.


Well-Known Member
I have watched a few of the videos being shown in the trial and what comes across to me from the recordings of the meetings between her and her parents in jail is how incredibly respectful they are towards her - as though she is a princess, the queen of their castle or something... Is it possible to love too much, too uncritically? NOT that what she did is their fault, if we are presuming she is guilty, which seems the universal presumption.


Well-Known Member
I have watched a few of the videos being shown in the trial and what comes across to me from the recordings of the meetings between her and her parents in jail is how incredibly respectful they are towards her - as though she is a princess, the queen of their castle or something... Is it possible to love too much, too uncritically? NOT that what she did is their fault, if we are presuming she is guilty, which seems the universal presumption.

Perhaps so. They also knew they were on camera, so may have been overplaying their calmness and deference. It still does not seem horrifying enough to me to think that they caused Casey to do this. I find very few instances where a monster who would do something like this is driven by their parents, and when they are, it's usually at a much younger age.

About 15 years ago there was a guy on parole with custody of his kids. Dad was dealing meth. Being the savvy businessman he was, dad used to make special deals with his junkie clients. His son, who was about 8 when this started, would walk back and forth at a regular pace in front of them while they sat on the sofa. Like in a shooting gallery. If he didn't walk at a regular pace his dad would kick him in the head. The client was given a taste of the product, a pellet gun and three shots. If they hit the kid once, it was 1/3 off, twice, 2/3 off, 3 times it was free. But if they missed, it was double. The clients mostly lived in the apartment complex they were in. Oddly enough, when the boy was 11 he built a fire in the middle of the night at the bottom of one of the stairwells in the apartment complex, killing 4 adults and 9 children. That child was made a monster by his parents. That's the standard I hold parents to for "monster creation". Not "daddy was a drinker" or "they enabled her inappropriate behavior on and off." That child was put in a mental institution and so far as I know is still there.


Fly away!
Well, believe it or not, I would have never heard of Casey Anthony and know nothing about this case if it wasn't for this board.

And, I think this might be the longest thread ever. ;)