Casey Anthony Bombshell!


Roll With It
klmno, I am so sorry about your mom. I hope that she can keep her koi away from you and difficult child. What would happen if she sends letters or whatever that are way out there and you got a restraining order? Just a thought that is on my mind today.

I think the parents may be rationalizing supporting Casey because they have already lost one loved one and no matter how awful Casey is she is still their daughter and they don't want to lose her. I also think that they got her out of trouble so many times in the past that it is habit. Throwing them, esp dad, under the bus because they didn't save her by falling on their swords and saying they did it is a true difficult child action, isn't it?

I still think that the entire thing was done first to get out of trouble (sedate the kid and hide her in the car so mom won't know I am partying and no one will think I am a bad mommy) and then to amp up the media so she can get the most bucks from the circus - and so those around her can also get big bucks.

I refute ANY suggestion that she was a good mother. Good mothers do NOT party and drink while their toddlers are missing. They do NOT enter sexy contests at bars when their child is missing or newly dead from an accident. Sorry. You will NEVER convince me that she is a good mother. Her peers may think she was because she acted loving around them, but that is akin to having a show puppy - you ooh and coo when you have an audience and crate it when you don't. Or you have someone else care for it.

Zanny the Nanny was probably used for a while to pacify the parents while Casey laughed at them for not realizing that the zanny she meant was xanax. She likely happened to see or hear of the zenaida woman from her friend or when she was with her friend, and then used it to try to throw off suspicion and blame someone else. There isn't a way to prove taht she gave the baby xanax, but this is just a classic difficult child thing and what many difficult children would do if given the idea somehow.


Well-Known Member
FYI, husband is never interested in this sort of thing, but because the case is so big, and because he watches TV while he does cardio, he was actually interested in the theory here in WC--and he concurs 100%. He never agrees with-anything, ever.
So sad, all of it ...


Well-Known Member
ok, one very sad and telling piece of info...the parents...grandparents actually, arent standing behind Casey anymore it appears. After spending the better part of my day analyzing Cindy's testimony plus some video clips and some other info online, I have come to some very interesting conclusions.

Cindy said some telling things on the stand. Number one, she was asked about this Zanny the nanny person and how long she had been looking for her. She looked kind of confused and asked the SA to clarify what she meant. Well they clarified it for her to being from the time Caylee went missing to today, how long had she been looking for Zanny. Cindy said she stopped looking for her SIX WEEKS AGO!!!!!

Do you know what everyone, including the Anthony's found out 6 weeks ago? That Biaz intended to accuse George and Lee of molesting Casey as a child as a defense. aint that just so sweet? You are deluding yourself for 2 and a half years that maybe that little baby they found wasnt your granddtr, then maybe your precious dtr didnt kill her...she swears to you on her daughters grave, on her FATHERS grave...that she didnt kill her you want to believe her...and then...she tells these awful lies????? And you know without a doubt that you have caught her in numerous other lie in this case alone.

Casey was done. She was tired of Caylee being the replacement in getting attention from george and cindy. She knew she could hurt her mother the most by taking away that baby. When Casey and Caylee were "missing" the first week or so, Cindy started sleeping with one of Caylee's special teddy bears named Teddy. As soon as she mentioned it to Casey, she snuck home and removed it from Cindy's room and Cindy hasnt seen it again. Odd huh? Sociopath...

Casey had a total meltdown when Cindy wouldnt look at her when got down off the stand. Too bad the jurors couldnt see it. Board I am reading this on has a lip reader who is focusing just on the camera that is pointed at Caseys She said a


Well-Known Member
today has been all day the rest of Cindy Anthony direct and defense and redirect and redefense and re-redirect...sigh. She has been thru hell and back. Really held up well though. I think the most telling things have been how all the friends that Casey told her mom were lies and when they played the 911 calls Cindy did the excited utterance of "omg, the car smells like a dead body!" again. And then again she told the same thing to her co-workers at the home health place. Now she is trying to play that down but it just doesnt fit. makes three people who say...dead body smell.

They are also going to allow the prosecution to let in that casey has 6 felonies...that isnt going to be good for her. they can just say it goes to character of the defendant as to whether they can believe what she Okay..yeah..."Im such a good liar and I have 6 felonies" hmmm....where is my jail cell?


Well-Known Member
I'm really disturbed by the total anger Casey had during a taped phone call to Cindy. Casey saw Cindy's " little cameo" referring to a time Cindy had appeared on TV. She had no concern at all for her mom being so distraught, only that she made Casey look a tiny bit bad. No concern for Caylee, and the lies... she gets angry if anyone questions her. Wow, she was mad at her mom, and at everyone. All they wanted was for her to stop lying, and she was mad at them????


How do you downplay a dead body smell? I don't care how much leftover pizza baked in the trunk, it doesn't smell the same. Not even close.


Well-Known Member
OK, color me stupid but what does a dead body smell like and how would you know? Is it different than a rotting pizza? Is it different from rotting milk? Is it different than rotting hamburger? Seriously, We've trapped pest animals and we toss them out pretty quickly. I honestly don't know how you tell the difference between a rotten dead body and a rotten hunk of meat or rotten milk.


They smell different, and once you smell it you'll never mistake it. Even with all the smells of rotting foods and everything else after Katrina, you could still pick out that smell from the rest. Might just be me, I can tell dead possum from other roadkill by smell alone, too. Dead rodents smell different from dead reptiles. Maggots have their own unique smell and that churns my stomach like other things don't, even lab-raised maggots.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...have you ever had a rat or mouse die in your house and smelled it for a week? or smelled a dead dog on the side of the road? That smells like death but a human is a bit different. We were taken to the morgue when I was taking a course for defensive driving and that is something I will never forget.


Well-Known Member
I think that kind of answers my question or at least addresses my comment. How did Casey's mom know what a dead body smells like? Or is that something she would know from working at a health clinic? (Not a health clinic I would choose, if they get rotting bodies there.)


Active Member
I was under the impression that Cindy was a could have been some previous training or job experience that lead her to know.


Well-Known Member
I think that Cindy was taking her husbands word for it. In his law enforcement career evidently he learned the smell. On a lighter note......if I were around him I'm sure I would smell a rat. DDD


Active Member
OMG, Marg, that mother must have been horrified when she found out. I think I would kill myself.
But I see your point about drugging.

When the mother found out for sure, years had passed and her daughter was long-dead. She had had time to at least partly accept the loss. As much as you could.

It's a story that really upset us in Sydney at the time. Telegraph poles were plastered with "Have you seen this child?" posters put up by friends and family. It was huge.

It also shows that drugging children for various purposes seems to be seen as acceptable, or safe.

As for chloroform - it is really nasty stuff. It was a breakthrough when discovered, it made surgical anaesthesia possible. But it is really rough on you, it causes a lot of other health problems and it is really risky to use. In my job we used to use ether mostly for a short-term anaesthetic (veterinary) but I remember we once ran out of ether and used chloroform. Not good. Those animals that didn't OD were never quite right neurologically. After I left they found an injectable, safer, short-term anaesthetic to use. My boss & I had increasing problems, even with ether. The fumes would eventually get to us and again, not a good look...



Well-Known Member
George was a police officer. If it had been an accident in the pool, they could have called 911 and there would not likely have been serious repercussions and he would know that. Children drown here in pools on a too regular basis and I have never heard of the parents being charged - accidents, horrible, tragic accidents, happen with no criminality involved. However, that is not what I think happened here. You don't duct tape a dead person - live ones are duct-taped to shut them up or kill them.

I think Casey is a sociopath who was jealous of her own baby.

As for lie detector tests, they are not admissible into evidence in any court in the country because of their unreliability factors. Sociopaths can pass them because they don't feel the emotions normal people do which trigger the response mechanism in the test.


call 911
I've been watching this all from the get go -

I believe without a doubt - Casey killed Kaylee. I wasn't sure, but my tell was Cindy on the stand. Her 'doubt' gave me all the proof I needed.

THAT SAID - All this media frenzy about "My Dad molested me, My brother molested me, My parents this, I can't look at my Mom, yadda yadda." - I'm not buying it. NOT AT ALL.

I completely and UTTERLY believe - the Anthony's KNOW their daughter killed their Granddaughter, and at this point? THEY ARE DOING WHATEVER Casey's defense lawyer is telling THEM to do to save her bacon. If that means portraying them as molesters, and ACTORS for the jury and whatever? WHAT WILL YOU CARE IN 2 years when "All is forgiven" and they all make up with their LIVE daughter doing life in jail? That's what this is all about - nothing else - NO justice can be served for Kaylee - she's dead, her Mother killed her, and the ONLY thing to be determined here is to shadow it ALL with enough doubt to make JUST ONE juror think - "well maybe" or make the entire jury think - she deserves LIFE in prison instead of DEATH ROW. ..........THIS IS ALL a MEDIA circus and great play by the Anthony family to save their daughter. Because Kaylee is gone - and at least they can save Casey. No parent is going to walk away and let their child get the death sentence. So this is all done IMVHO - for doubt, and pity - someone on that jury will feel sorry for Casey - Poor thing - she doesn't even have PARENTS who stand beside her.

She has a molester for a Dad, and a )#($)( for a Mother - and a so and so for a brother. - Can you see what I'm talking about? Someone on that jury - has had a BAD childhood and they are trying to play the sympathies here people. The atty. knows this.

Again - Just my opinon but I think it's all a case of very bad acting. ESPECIALLY when the Grandmother said - Can you take down my Granddaughters picture - it upsets me. WOW - really? I'd want everyone to SEE my beautiful little girl and what that MONSTER took. That was so badly done.


Well-Known Member
Star... I dont know. If keyana had been up on that monitor for as long as she had been after as much questioning as Cindy had been through, I think I would have begged them to take that picture down too. I wouldnt have been able to look at the picture one more minute either. Heck, I dont think Im gonna be able to look at pictures of her for a while after she moves away.

I was terrified that Cindy was going to say George did molest Casey and the fact that she didnt proves that Biaz knew she wouldnt say it. That is very telling. No lawyer is going to ask a question that they dont know the answer to so he had already questioned her previously and knew she wasnt going to back her daughter.

There is a place on line to see all the jurors info...not names but ages, background and the questions and answers they gave. Quite interesting. I dont quite believe all the answers they gave about how they dont remember anything about this case and none of them watch the news or watch much tv or only watch animal planet or the history channel...amazing how many people say they watch the history And NOBODY watches Nancy Grace or the morning shows...yeah right. I might believe they dont watch Nancy Grace but no one watches the shows like Today or Good morning America? Just some interesting stuff.


I know the gist of the case and it makes me sick. Has anyone brought up the mom's (Cindy, I guess) wavering support early on? Don't I remember that she backed her daughter for a while, then went against, then backed her again? Has that come up?

(and just FYI, I rarely watch much tv, and when I do, its History, Discovery, or music videos. Almost never talk show or morning shows.)


Well-Known Member
I needed a break from work so decided to look on the computer to see if Cindy is an RN and where and how long George was a police officer. I didn't find that info. The info I found (who knows what is valid may be conjecture) is weird stuff. I didn't take time to read the details but according to what I found George had a gambling problem in addition to the drinking problem that evidently is true. Cindy filed for divorce in 2004. George & Cindy had their attorney ask for immunity from future prosecution.Supposedly the couple advertised for volunteer personal assistants to help them in the Orlando papers. And..the "foundation" they want to start or have started ?? to help find missing children got questionable startup money and they are anticipated to run the foundation receiving salaries.

Good Grief.......and I thought my family was dysfunctional! This has nothing to do with Casey's guilt. I just have negative vibes about George and wondered if he really spent years in law enforcement. Somewhere years ago I read that he was booted from his job due to his issues and just wanted to know. Weird. DDD


Well-Known Member
Yeah but dont live in FL where this thing happened! These people were asked if they had heard of the case or remembered it or the girls name or the defense attorney's come on...I could pick him out of line up anytime!