New Member
My 16 you difficult child is still wetting the bed. He has many different explanations/excuses. This has been going on since 4 yo and can not get anywhere with it. We have tried medications, behavior encouragements, complete medical checks,etc. He has given me in the las t6 months alone the story he knows what the problem is, he forgot to use the bathroom before going to bed, then there was it's because he didn't sleep with the fan on(in February),too much to drink. You would think reminding him not to drink after a certain time would work, he just sneaks it. Then there was an altercation with his father(due to disrespect and disobedience)he stayed at the Safe House/Sage Station, he told the social worker there that he just never wanted to tell us that he has nightmares. He said one was about water and sharks, but no story for all the recent bed wetting times. What's next? When trying to talk to him he just gets up and walks away(which usually leads to most of the confrontations)and says it isn't going to listen to us. This has become his normal whenever to confront him on any behavior issues. I am so exhausted!!!!!!