First some quick background: difficult child is 7, speech delayed, ADHD, and has anxiety. Thats what he has been diagnosed with, we can also add to that depression (wants and tries to hurt himself), low self esteem, and is behind in most subjects. Kindergarten was rough for us, he threw chairs, hit kids, bit kids... you name it. He would hide under tables and behind doors, not participate, and chew holes through his clothes. This year has been better for the most part but he still has problems, mostly refusing to do work and banging his head on stuff when he is upset. End of last year when he got his daignosis, he started medications... for adderall, then intuniv, then adderall and intuniv... now they have swiched and his is not taking Focalin XR, intuniv, and prozac. Thank goodness, the medications seem to be working now for the first time ever!! Althouh I have noticed that he tends to spend long, LONG periods of time to himself, in his room playing with Lego's or something.
Anyway, we started with a regular family therapist a month or so ago for him. I met with her yesterday and to summarize what she said, she said that she sees a lot of behaviors just from her two sessions with him that she also sees in her clients that have an autism diagnosis. Some interesting things she pointed out:
1) when asked to draw a picture of his family doing something they enjoyed (which we do a lot of stuff together, so there should have been plenty of material), he instead drew a picture of himself, alone in his room and playing with legos. (it was actually a really good picture!)
2) He spent a lot of time setting up the doll house but didn't want to play with it when he was done. Interesting because that is what he did with his "long" evaluation last year. She said he also gathered up other objects in the play room to make the furniture he wanted in the doll house since it wasn't already in there.
3) She asked him if he had friends, and he said he had a lot of friends, but was only able to name one.
She beleived that his problems aren't just related to ADHD. She isn't a specialist, but she said it is more than ADHD.
Same thing that people on here have said too.
Also, when he had his "long" evalutation last year, they wrote the following things:
He took this WISC IV test... I have no idea what that means but he scored "borderline" for verbal reasoning of 75. He had difficulty with word knowledge and would give answers that didn't make any sense. He scored in the "high average" range for "perceptual and fluid reasoning, visual spatial processing, and visual motor intergraton", a score of 112. Then it says this: "The 37 point difference between his VCI and PRI scores is significatn at the .05-level and is seen only in .4% of the population. This difference confirms the severity of difficult child's speech and language problem and supports the necessity that accomidations be in place at school.."
**Side note: If someone could put all that in laymans terms I would greatly appreciate it!!**
Also in the summary of it they wrote:
"difficult child's attention problems and anxiety combined with some other behaviors are also suggestive of possible autism spectrum disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)) such as Aspergers. difficult child's mode of play is generally repetitive and while he wants to interact with others he does not seem to know how. His over-sensitivity to noise is also commonly seen in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)'s. His extreme difficulty with berbal skills and above aberage nonverbal cognitive skills are also common in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)'s. However these supotoms can appear independent of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and may be explained by his language disorder and ADHD. At this time a diagnosis of ADHD and Anxiet Disorder not otherwise specified is made with note to continue to monitor for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)'s."
Soooo, I've got quite a few indications that he may be on the spectrum and I should probably get him tested. The question is, what next?
There are several centers where I live that do all the testing and offer therapy, and specialize in autism. I know most of them have a waiting list and I'm not sure if they take insurance.
His therapist recommended we try to get it done through the school district, since they will likely want one of their on psychiatric's to diagnosis it in order to make accomidations (note: he already has an IEP but is not 504, whatever that means). He has already had one evaluation done through the school and they stuck with the ADHD diagnosis and depression. She seemed to think he had enough age appropriate behaviors to not put him on the spectrum, or at least that's what I gathered from it.
So I could go to a specialized place, I could push the school to do it, or I could wait till his current doctors (psychiatrists) feel like they should do another evaluation. That may be some time though since his last one that I quoted above is just a little over a year old.
Anyway, we started with a regular family therapist a month or so ago for him. I met with her yesterday and to summarize what she said, she said that she sees a lot of behaviors just from her two sessions with him that she also sees in her clients that have an autism diagnosis. Some interesting things she pointed out:
1) when asked to draw a picture of his family doing something they enjoyed (which we do a lot of stuff together, so there should have been plenty of material), he instead drew a picture of himself, alone in his room and playing with legos. (it was actually a really good picture!)
2) He spent a lot of time setting up the doll house but didn't want to play with it when he was done. Interesting because that is what he did with his "long" evaluation last year. She said he also gathered up other objects in the play room to make the furniture he wanted in the doll house since it wasn't already in there.
3) She asked him if he had friends, and he said he had a lot of friends, but was only able to name one.
She beleived that his problems aren't just related to ADHD. She isn't a specialist, but she said it is more than ADHD.
Same thing that people on here have said too.
Also, when he had his "long" evalutation last year, they wrote the following things:
He took this WISC IV test... I have no idea what that means but he scored "borderline" for verbal reasoning of 75. He had difficulty with word knowledge and would give answers that didn't make any sense. He scored in the "high average" range for "perceptual and fluid reasoning, visual spatial processing, and visual motor intergraton", a score of 112. Then it says this: "The 37 point difference between his VCI and PRI scores is significatn at the .05-level and is seen only in .4% of the population. This difference confirms the severity of difficult child's speech and language problem and supports the necessity that accomidations be in place at school.."
**Side note: If someone could put all that in laymans terms I would greatly appreciate it!!**
Also in the summary of it they wrote:
"difficult child's attention problems and anxiety combined with some other behaviors are also suggestive of possible autism spectrum disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)) such as Aspergers. difficult child's mode of play is generally repetitive and while he wants to interact with others he does not seem to know how. His over-sensitivity to noise is also commonly seen in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)'s. His extreme difficulty with berbal skills and above aberage nonverbal cognitive skills are also common in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)'s. However these supotoms can appear independent of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and may be explained by his language disorder and ADHD. At this time a diagnosis of ADHD and Anxiet Disorder not otherwise specified is made with note to continue to monitor for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)'s."
Soooo, I've got quite a few indications that he may be on the spectrum and I should probably get him tested. The question is, what next?
There are several centers where I live that do all the testing and offer therapy, and specialize in autism. I know most of them have a waiting list and I'm not sure if they take insurance.
His therapist recommended we try to get it done through the school district, since they will likely want one of their on psychiatric's to diagnosis it in order to make accomidations (note: he already has an IEP but is not 504, whatever that means). He has already had one evaluation done through the school and they stuck with the ADHD diagnosis and depression. She seemed to think he had enough age appropriate behaviors to not put him on the spectrum, or at least that's what I gathered from it.
So I could go to a specialized place, I could push the school to do it, or I could wait till his current doctors (psychiatrists) feel like they should do another evaluation. That may be some time though since his last one that I quoted above is just a little over a year old.