New Member
Ann just saw your post about your grandson I believe it is that is in need of coverage. That is a really hard situation. However, if he has been covered for the last 12 months with no break in service, and can be covered by some type of group coverage, he cannot be denied for a pre-existing condition. Even if it was thru a state program. Individual coverage is much more difficult to obtain, and usually because the risk to the insurer is so much greater. That may be why you are having difficulty finding it for him. I am not really sure why your son would not want to continue coverage, unless the family coverage vs self is cost prohibitive. However if there is a custody and divorce issue, the courts could maintain that he has to continue to provide the coverage. Also have you all tried Medi-Cal by chance? Or do you have guardianship. If so you should be able to put him on your coverage without pre-ex applying. Let me know. BLUE