I'm exhausted from it all. difficult child is such a strange kid I don't know how much of what he does is in his control or not.
He has really been winding up again lately (ie. the suspension last week), more arguementative, more violent. Today he came home and announced he wasn't eating what we were having for supper. I often won't fight the food battle but it was something he likes and he was only doing it to be a pain. I told him that was fine but that was all there was for dinner. He went downstairs to get his wrestling stuff for practice, came back up and kicked me. He refused to go to his room so I told him his wheels for his heeleys were gone for the rest of the month (they were already gone through the week. He was swearing at me.
A bit later he got upset about something again (I honestly don't remember what it was). He pulled a butcher knife on me-I had been using it so it was out. husband came in the room and he aimed it at him. husband took the knife and he ended up with another consequence. Nothing seems to really matter to him.
We thought about taking away wrestling but it would have meant me home alone with an angry difficult child because husband absolutely had to go to the wrestling meeting tonight. I went along because I was supposed to meet too.
On the way home, totally unprovoked he slammed the car door on my foot-more being silly angry I think. Still not funny. Then once home he was mad again about something and started to kick at me. husband again came in and he turned on husband. husband carried him up to his room (not an easy task).
What a night. The part that is so difficult is as soon as he is done he acts as if nothing happened and is totally calm. Lately any no sets him off! All of this and I feel I'm running on empty. I don't know that he is ready for hospitalization because he seems so calm (at least not violent) much of the time.
If you have made it this far thanks for listening to my vent.