Another Flea Question..


Well-Known Member
Ace, the neurotic wonder boxer, went to the groomer yesterday and they reported finding "a couple of fleas on his hindend". That was a bit of a shock as he gets his monthly treatment a day or two after grooming on a monthly basis.

SO the question is this....should I worry about house or yard treatment or wait and see if trouble develops. He is getting his treatment today so I am assuming he will not be bothered. on the other hand I do NOT want to have fleas in the house nipping us.

What do you experts say? DDD


Well-Known Member
Your warm climate makes it different from what I am used to. I'm not certain what a flea yard treatment is. Can you explain?


Shooting from the Hip
Fleas multiply so fast that if you can "nip" them first you'll be okay. I would suggest giving him a good treatment as usual and keeping an eye for a week. If at the end of that week they're gone, and you haven't seen any in the house, you're good. Otherwise you will want to treat the house. Since he goes in the yard... Unless it's BAD, on him or in the house, don't sweat it too much - if they avoid him due to the treatment, and the house has been treated, you don't have to worry.


Well-Known Member
For the Florida flea treatments the exterminators spray the yard and inside of the house. It's been years and years since I had to do it and with the economy I'm hoping to avoid it. on the other hand, lol, I am a woose when it comes to
bug bites. I'm one of those people that attract mosquitoes! DDD


New Member
DDD, what are you using for flea control? We found the Frontline Plus did not work on the fleas down here, and switched to Advantix.

No more fleas.



FWIW Frontline doesn't work on one of my dogs, either. Works fine on the other, but my little black dog...I coud dip her whole body in it, and the fleas still eat her alive. We use Advantage or Advantix now, too.


Well-Known Member
I'm leaving work and off to buy Advantix. I have been using the Frontline.
Fingers crossed. Thanks, as always. DDD


Well-Known Member
Wow. It may be a coincidence (doubt it, lol) but Ace has already stopped licking and scratching. I think the new product did the trick. Thanks. DDD