I have no understanding as to why a heroin addict can not opt for a less debilitating drug to make him able to sustain. Many of us take medications for illness and addiction IS an illness. It is beyond my comprehension how we can expect heroin addicts to become clean and sober and, since there are alternative drugs that are not as lethal, I don't understand why they can't just be given in place of the heroin. I always wondered what happened to methadone.
I'm in favor of allowing these human beings to live as normal a life as possible, like all of the rest of us. I do not believe Twelve Step works for heroin addicts.In fact, I have always believed that Al-Anon works better for caregivers of addicts than AA or NA works for addicts. I like Al-Anon as a stand alone. Doesn't have to include the entire family.
But I also don't believe love and understanding is the answer. I think that just prolongs their unwillingness to get help. I think we need to treat them like adults and offer then drug treatment if that will help, but not treat them as if they are damaged china, even though they are often dangerous to live with.