As Alisha already said, EXCELLENT INFO.
I also want to thank you for this article.
We only had the "ED" classification for young difficult child.
AND...sadly, my family and I were in such emotional turmoil that making proper school decisions did not happen at an opportune time in young difficult child's educational experience.
I have printed this article and it only UNDERSCORES the fact that young difficult child can never go back into our public school system in our district as our district will first require him to do almost 90 days of "time" in jail school before they will let him back into the regular classroom.
He never even did anything VIOLENT to anyone. He only made a mess of the bathroom and had attitude and persistant misbehavior...difficulty in helping him "turn it around".
He was not a THREAT to anyone...and yet he was treated like a criminal.
We will never put him back into "regular school" is not SAFE for HIM there.
Thanks again!!! There are SO many characteristics and examples that fit young difficult child to a TEE in this article regarding Bipolar symptoms of behavior. It's pretty remarkable!!!