Thank you all for the input. I spoke to her therapist today and her doctor. I actually thought it was going to be a fight, but good news, my difficult child will be getting a neuropsychologist exam, MRI and an EEG. She will also be taken off the Concerta and starting Lamictal. The doctor says she wants to leave my daughter on the Lexapro for now. I mentioned to her that I learned kids with BiPolar (BP) really shouldn't be on antideppressants. She said she is not convinced my daughter is actually BiPolar (BP). She seems to think its just Conduct Disorder. That is very hard for me to believe considering she was hospitalized 8 times and all 8 times was discharged with the BiPolar (BP) diagnosis. Every doctor and therapist my daughter has seen over the last 4 years has said it is BiPolar (BP). Besides her mood swings are so apparent, she switches from rage to laughter in seconds. Pretty scary. Hopefully we will see some improvement with the new medications. I'm glad I won't be there when she finds out she will no longer be taking Concerta!!! That oughta be fun.
I have learned alot from all of you, thanks for the education!!!
I'll let you know how it goes.
I have learned alot from all of you, thanks for the education!!!
I'll let you know how it goes.