I am diagnosis Major Dissociative dissorder, the DID has not been fully diagnosis yet.
as a child/teenager I most definatly had years of dissociating to the state where other people have taken over my body.
There is so much to describe about me that would take so incredably long, it will all come out in time.
I was very Abused as a child, by many differnt people in many different ways!
as a teenager I was an alcholic at 13, very suicidel, horribly bulimic,violent,ummm, I lived on the streets at 13 for 6 months, and completely on my own at 16.
I continued to drink through my whole teen years, I was very premiscuis, met up with the Gay crowd starting selling drugs, met a guy whose life was very very not ok, had a sever BAD trip or Drug overdose, we'll never know for sure... and ended up having the most SEVER Panic attack of my life, from that point on, my life got horribly worse, the panic and agoriphobia took over, my life became an unbearable nightmare, and I couldn't do anything about it. I was in the hospital 96 times the first year. I stopped doing the drugs and alcohol at that point though, and caffiene.. 8 months later I got pregnant with my first child, thank goodness my body had some time to clean out.
before I got pregnant I was on 10 mgs of ativan a day and taking Imipremine,when I got pregnant about 6-7 weeks into it, the imipramine was stopped, and I cut the ativan down to 6 mgs a day.
and cut it again down to 2 mgs a day when she was born since I was nursing.. the Panic and agoriphobia didn't go away from having a Baby, if anything I was more freaked out all the time worrying about her.I had a very difficult non progressive labour, which almost resulted in C section, but I somehow managed to have her naturally days and hours later.. she was 4 weeks early. 6 months later I was pregnant again, same kinda pregnancy, long hard labour, had him a week early,my relationship with my first Baby was awesome, I treasured her so much, she was the first thing in my life that I had ever completed..my first words after she was born was " I did it, I had a Baby".. was a miracle for me.
When my little Boy was born, I didn't bond with him the same way, since thier dad left me 3 months pregnant with a 9 month old Baby, and my son looked just like his Father, within 6 weeks my sons apperanced changed drastically and I had fully bonded with him by then.
My daughter became VERY jealous of her brother and by 9 months was starting to abuse him badly. She was always biting his head gving him black eyes, pushing him down, wouldn't let him play with the toys etc etc etc... it got so bad that I didn't know how to handle the situation, she got kicked of play groups and the daycare/preschool where I was taking my parenting courses, at 3 years of age she was prescribed an anti pyscotic tranquilizer,, Melaril, I gave it to her once, and it turned her into a zombie, so I didn't give it to her again, I put the medication up in the top cupboard above my stove where she shouldn't be able to get at it... WRONG!!!. she got into it and drank a whole bunch and fed some to her brother, the ended up the ER, have charchol and getting thier stomaches pumped, my Mother law called CPS, and they aprehended my children and took them away from me.
That was on a Friday, I fought like hell all weekend getting notes from the Doctor and every person who ever knew me atc, went to the police myself, and was at CPS when they opened Monday morning, they let me visit with my kids that day... that was the most devastating thng I have ever gone through, by Tuesday I had my children back again, the SW who aprehnded them actually turned out to help me fight to get them back so it went very quickly, at that point is when I had to start the parenting groups and stuff, that my daughter evetually got kicked out of.
My second child was a very sickly one, he had horrible asthma , and would get fevers as high as 107, he had febral seizures and was sooo sick for the longest time, about 8 years or so. poor little Baby.
after all this stuff happened the abuse got worse form my daughter to my son,, well it continued anyways.. I started not reacting to this very well, and in my opinion became somewhat abuseive towards her.. I didn't know it at the time, when she was 4 and a half my eyes were opened and I for the first time, saw what was going on, and at that moment, swore that I would never hit her in anger again.. that was 10 years ago.. and I haven't
When my 3rd child was born he was almost DOA,, he was completely nonresponseive and wasn't breathing very much.. he had contracted Strep B from me, which I was very very ill during the labour, my water broke and they didn't induce me for 24 hours,, so he got SO sick...the DR. said that he didn't know if he would live or die

My Baby lived,, but went through alot of trama in his first week of life.. he was a human pin cushion, had a spinal tap. etc etc.
he left the hospital a week later, they wanted to keep him a few more days, but I was comfortable at that point to take him home.
He was an amazing Baby for the first 10 months, hardly ever cryed, was the only one who was content to just sit and play with his floor mobile for a couple hours at a time. that went on till he was 10 months, at that point he started screaming.. all the time, and the child developement people came in and assesed him, he was delayed in quite a few areas.. but evetually learned them.
According to my other kids, his speach was very delayed for a long time.. I hadn't rememberd that.. but I do now.
k then the 4 pregnancy happened, I was Christian by this point and Baby was concieved outa wedlock and stuff, so it took my about 6 months to be able to accept the pregnancy. and feel comfortable in public about it.. I did Love my little Baby from the moment of conception,, just was very ashamed.
my labour with her was 31 hours long .. but was very lovely,, to long to explain hehe
umm, Baby caught Broncial Phenumonia at 5 days old from my kids, and was very very sick for about the first 3 and a half- 4 years of her life. she had an immune deficiency, and to this day if she gets a chest cold. she ends up on prednisone.
All my Babys were premature, except number 2 was only a week early.
first one was a month, 2 was a week 3and 4 were about 6 weeks early all very tiny, they weighed.
5lbs 11 5lbs 8 6 lbs 3 and 5 lbs 1.. my 4th was only 4 lbs 13 when I brought her home... so tiny.
well this is enough info about my life for this session, if you need more info, pls let me know.. bye for now Jess