New Member
I am a single mother of 3 children with special needs 2 have adhd, and 1 has adhd with ODD and Conduct disoder his odd is fading but the conduct disorder is becoming more and more disruptive. I am supposed to be trying to get work and dealing with him is there any other parents out here that work and deal with children on a daily basis and can offer me some help as i dont know where to turn and feel that if i dont find some stability that not only is he going to get worse. He is going to give me more health problems then i am already dealing with and that i am going to end up in a mental place before he does due to all of his behaviors and me alone not being able to deal with it anymore?
if anyone can offer help it would be appreciated as i am alone and get no help from family they dont think there is anything wrong with him and that he is just a boy but its not he has been diagnosed by physcologists and all but they still wont help or listen to me
the son with the adhd with-odd was diagnosis at 4 1/2 yrs old by a physcologist in arizona and was just recently changed from odd which is fading over to conduct disorder by his physiatrist this passt monday, he is now 9 1/2 yrs old and is currently takeing adderall Xr 25 mg and tenex 1mg in the morning and is taking 1mg tenex at night along with 50 mg of trazadone as far as his behavior
i will give a few examples of things he has done in just the past 3 days of the worst things:
1)he was told he could have tv back and so he went to the shed to get his tv and instead of doing what he was told he got the lawn mower out and tipped it upside down and dumped gas out of it and then got the weed whacker out and proceeded to use it on the bathroom screen and has totally mutilated it
2)slugged sister in the face and gave her a bruise on the bridge of her nose and cheek just about broke her glasses in half
3)used a tennis racket and decided to hit rocks with it and hit sister in the hand with a rock gave her a bruise and a mark on finger from that
4) cut his leg on a knife he said it was an accident but from things inteh past month i know it wasnt had to have stitches and the dr that treated him didnt buy his story
5) he picks any fight he can with anyonehere whether it be me or his sister or brother he took the vacuum hose and yelled into it once he put it to his sisters ear,
6)he bullies her whenever he can he doesnt mess with his brother as much as his brother has about 35 almost 40 pounds on him however he is older then his siter but he picks on her as they are closer in size and he knows she wont fight him back,
7)he has destroyed boxes of food by opening it and dumping it all over the place
8) he has been caught in the bedroom alone with his siter and they both had no clothes on
-- all of this is just in the past week he has done this
NEW INFO- went to the physiatrist and he didnt do anything but increse his adderall from 25 to up 30 and said he will see him in a month and told me not to let him be alone basiclly a constant vigil to make sure he doesnt try it again and that he shouldnt go to daycare til we get everything resolved - so i went to where im working on getting a job at and told them and they said that they had to have a note from the dr so i called back and his therapist said that the dr didnt say he couldnt go but to just have him watched close and that isnt possible at daycare as she watches more then just him she has her limit of 6 and there are 6 kids at daycare how can see keep him in site all day with 5 more running around ?
I am a single mother of 3 children with special needs 2 have adhd, and 1 has adhd with ODD and Conduct disoder his odd is fading but the conduct disorder is becoming more and more disruptive. I am supposed to be trying to get work and dealing with him is there any other parents out here that work and deal with children on a daily basis and can offer me some help as i dont know where to turn and feel that if i dont find some stability that not only is he going to get worse. He is going to give me more health problems then i am already dealing with and that i am going to end up in a mental place before he does due to all of his behaviors and me alone not being able to deal with it anymore?
if anyone can offer help it would be appreciated as i am alone and get no help from family they dont think there is anything wrong with him and that he is just a boy but its not he has been diagnosed by physcologists and all but they still wont help or listen to me
the son with the adhd with-odd was diagnosis at 4 1/2 yrs old by a physcologist in arizona and was just recently changed from odd which is fading over to conduct disorder by his physiatrist this passt monday, he is now 9 1/2 yrs old and is currently takeing adderall Xr 25 mg and tenex 1mg in the morning and is taking 1mg tenex at night along with 50 mg of trazadone as far as his behavior
i will give a few examples of things he has done in just the past 3 days of the worst things:
1)he was told he could have tv back and so he went to the shed to get his tv and instead of doing what he was told he got the lawn mower out and tipped it upside down and dumped gas out of it and then got the weed whacker out and proceeded to use it on the bathroom screen and has totally mutilated it
2)slugged sister in the face and gave her a bruise on the bridge of her nose and cheek just about broke her glasses in half
3)used a tennis racket and decided to hit rocks with it and hit sister in the hand with a rock gave her a bruise and a mark on finger from that
4) cut his leg on a knife he said it was an accident but from things inteh past month i know it wasnt had to have stitches and the dr that treated him didnt buy his story
5) he picks any fight he can with anyonehere whether it be me or his sister or brother he took the vacuum hose and yelled into it once he put it to his sisters ear,
6)he bullies her whenever he can he doesnt mess with his brother as much as his brother has about 35 almost 40 pounds on him however he is older then his siter but he picks on her as they are closer in size and he knows she wont fight him back,
7)he has destroyed boxes of food by opening it and dumping it all over the place
8) he has been caught in the bedroom alone with his siter and they both had no clothes on
-- all of this is just in the past week he has done this
NEW INFO- went to the physiatrist and he didnt do anything but increse his adderall from 25 to up 30 and said he will see him in a month and told me not to let him be alone basiclly a constant vigil to make sure he doesnt try it again and that he shouldnt go to daycare til we get everything resolved - so i went to where im working on getting a job at and told them and they said that they had to have a note from the dr so i called back and his therapist said that the dr didnt say he couldnt go but to just have him watched close and that isnt possible at daycare as she watches more then just him she has her limit of 6 and there are 6 kids at daycare how can see keep him in site all day with 5 more running around ?