Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) and Auditory Trainers

Hi all,
My 7yo difficult child ADHD and Expressive Language Disorder and just last night we added Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). The audiologist recommended an Auditory Trainer. Since we are in Israel, the choices are very limited. I really need to hear from other parents what thier children are using and whether they are happy with the results. I'll have to buy it online, and have someone bring it to me when they come to visit.

Thanks so much for your input.

Hi Chava

My son uses an auditory trainer in school. It's provided by the school. I've seen it, but I don't recall what brand it is.

difficult child loves it -- calls the trainer his "headphones." lol It took a while to work out the kinks in the usage -- he presently has two teachers in different classrooms.

The teacher wears the microphone part of the trainer; of course, the headphone part stays with the student. When he changes classes, there's a basket that both parts are placed in and difficult child carries them back and forth between the classes. Successfully so far. :eek:

The auditory trainer is great in some ways, but it does have drawbacks. The teacher has to remember to turn on the trainer when lecturing -- difficult child and teachers have worked out signals in the event the teacher forgets to turn the microphone on -- he points to his earphones. Also, the teacher has to remember to turn the mic off when she engages in private conversations with-other students or faculty.

Another problem is that difficult child sometimes misses out on the free exchange of ideas between the class and teacher. For this reason, he doesn't use the trainer all the time -- just for lecturing or when they are having tests (the headphones help screen out distractions).

So while the trainer is helpful, it's not an ideal solution. Certainly not a cure.

There is a treatment for Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). It's a computer program called FastForward. Might want to check into it. It's my understanding a parent can provide the treatment, but has to have the training. I don't know if the training is available in Israel, perhaps there's something the manufacturer can do in these type situations.

FastForward is not the only treatment for Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) -- there's at least one other and there could be more. It's my understanding that treatment is most effective before the age of 10.

Glad to hear that one more problem has been identified. For me, identification at least helps me to understand difficult child's behaviors and adjust the environment the best I can to suit his needs.

Following are some FastForward links:


I don't remember which Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) links I emailed to you previously. There are some on a thread in the General Forum Archives entitled "Captain of Your Ship?"

I don't know one thing about about import/export type problems and certainly not the rules in Israel. Just wondering if whatever firm you purchase the trainer from can mail it to you?

Around here they're always recommending Fast Forward - which around here is done by professionals with the child over a period of time. And there's also another program which is done by professionals over a period of 2 weeks. (conceivably on a vacation if they don't have it there). I've never done any of the above. The only thing I ever did was the cheapest option- and least effective obviously- which was the music tapes. But I would still recommend them- for the price you don't have much to lose. I'll dig up links too- not that Alisha isn't the best at it!

here's a summary of the various types of therapies they do in the places near me: http://www.thedaviscenter.com/

this is the one I'm talking about which was recommended for my child. they are to play it on good quality headphones while doing homework, reading, etc. I think it was recommended for 2 30 min periods per day.

Thanks Alisha and Edge,
I looked thru the programs. Seems very English based, so probably not appropriate for my son who doesn't read English yet. He's doing great in Hebrew though, and he should start learning to read in English next year. The audiologist is making recommedations to his speech therapist and his teacher on how to help him.

Hopefully, I'll find the equivilant program geared toward Hebrew speaking/reading kids. I've been told that our bilingual household makes it more difficult for the kids with speech issues. I tried just using Hebrew with them, since it's the dominant language here, but it wasn't natural, and my Hebrew is not so great. I felt I was doing more harm than good.


Read through thadvancedbrain.com again. It's music and sounds, no language. And I think the one Alisha's son has is just an audio system, not language based- it's just picking the sounds from the teacher more directly and filtering out distractions- I think but Alisha can explain it better. Also FYI- I believe Tomatis was German- so it has to exist in other langauges but I don't know about Hebrew.

As to the bilingual household, probably some truth to that but it can be mediated. I assume the difficulty is in the number of sounds. In English I think there are something like 40 langauge sounds. each of the letters in various forms such as hard e and soft e and then the blends like th, ch, sh,... so he'd have to understand and make each of those sounds with his own mouth. Then add in the sounds in Hebrew which are different and I can see where it could be harder than one language. But once he can make each sound himself the expressive problem is gone- and that's speech therapy work. The receptive part of it will also work itself out. A valuable life skill for him to be bilingual even if it does take some additional work now.

Thanks for the info Edge. My son's expressive problems are not sound related, but more like a filing problem. Dysnomia type issues, where he can't remember words or how to say things when he needs to. Answering questions in class. His vocabulary is small, in both languages, and he speaks in short sentences.
I think this listening system could be a real help, if the headphones don't distract him.



I talked to a Speech Language Pathologist last night about FastForward for my son. She's an off-site provider -- very knowledgable about the program.

Turns out that FastForward is administered over the computer and she's set up to moniter progress. I didn't think to ask her about Hebrew -- but I have her name and number if you want to talk to her. Let me know.

by the way, I called Scientific Learning and they gave me 4 names and telephone numbers. Haven't talked to the others yet.

Talked to the SPL again. She said that to her knowledge, the program is not available in Hebrew to date.

Another potential possibility. There's another program similar to FastForward called Earbonics. It's much less expensive than FastForward. It doesn't have the extensive tracking that FastForward has, but the SPL reports good results. I believe they have providers in about 25 countries -- don't know if this would be an alternative for you.