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I am so confused, hurt, scared and anything else I can imagine. My difficult child and husband(his father)got into a confrontation last night. This is not the first time but it has been a few years. We have been disrespect and disobedience issues with difficult child for a while. Last night dad was mad and was trying to talk to my difficult child and 13yo daughter about disprespect and my difficult child got up and walked away saying the conversation was over. He walked into the kitchen to make his plate and my husband told him not to touch anything and get the hell out of the house. difficult child just ignored him and then husband pushed him, difficult child pushed back and then husband started swinging. My husband is a big man,difficult child not so small either. But I think my husband could have handled this better. At some point I got my husband out of the house and my difficult child grabbed a couple butcher knives and started at my husband. I intervened and was able to talk him down(all the while husband standing behind my saying things like "come on with it" and other things that to me just seemed to antaganize difficult child. Police finally showed up about 12 minutes later after me calling them(mind you I live 3 blocks from the police station). My difficult child had taken off walking before they got there and then came back. Instead of sending him to jv I talked him into going to the safe house at least for the night. I don't feel that my difficult child was in the right but I feel my husband was sooooo in the wrong. It just brought back flash backs. My husband and I have been together aprox 22 yrs. In the first 5-6 yrs my husband hit me when we would get into it. I am so scared and confused. I feel torn and think that I should be there for my son. The police told me that I was down playing my son's involvement because we tend to coddle them as mothers. They didn't see my husbands involvement in the whole thing. They said that if son came at him he has the right to put him in his place. My son left here with 2 lumps on the top of his head from being punched, bruises on his face and God only knows if there is any others. My three other children saw the whole thing. What do I do next?