difficult child passed this quarter ... barely


Well-Known Member
difficult child went from F's to C's on most of his grades this quarter, only because the teacher allowed him to go back and do lost homework and classwork. He has this weird attitude that he has to allow his grades to drop so that he can bring them back up again and get a reward. The reward system is not working the way we intended it to. :anxious::sick:
The teacher wrote a clear, but stern note, saying that he was intelligent and capable but extremely disorganized, and would have an extremely difficult time next yr. He's got to turn in things on time. It is part of the grade.
His psychologist has told him that, and the psychiatrist told him that (yes, she actually talked to him about something other than drugs Mon. night! She drew a pie chart and showed him the percentages of grades and test scores.)
Today I am dropping off an application to a local Catholic school. It is a nice school, and not as academically rigorous as the school where he is now. I am giving them a copy of his recent grades, incl. the stern note the teacher wrote. I have already told them he is ADHD but they don't know about the Asperger's yet.
Wish me luck! They have tons of sports and there is no limit to how many sports activities he can sign up for.


Here we go again!
Yeah, I'm hoping for a similar outcome with difficult child 1 -- the last minute scramble to pull the Fs up to low Cs. Never thought I'd be happy about that, but I'll take whatever he can give us at this point until we can identify what his issues truly are and devise an appropriate plan. It's so hard for me to let go of what I'd hoped for my child and embrace whatever will be. Know what I mean??


Well-Known Member
Terry, my Learning Disability (LD) daughter is EXTREMELY disorganized AS AM I. I can not tell you how difficult that makes everything. I hope there is some help in school for that for your son. My daughter is always forgetting things and I have to run to school to turn them in for her because I really don't want to have her fail due to her forgetfulness. She is a very spacy kid and we are working on strategies to improve this. (((Hugs)))


Well-Known Member
Never thought I'd be happy about that, but I'll take whatever he can give us at this point until we can identify what his issues truly are and devise an appropriate plan. It's so hard for me to let go of what I'd hoped for my child and embrace whatever will be. Know what I mean??



Well-Known Member
Thanks MWM and WipedOut.
I will be biting my nails until they call me. I wrote a note requesting that they read all the paperwork b4 they call me back.