Does it make more sense?


Former desparate mom
difficult child's lease is up in Jan. We are the co signers since difficult child doesn't have a job.
Should I sign the lease myself and charge difficult child a lower amount of rent? Am I allowed to subsidize his rent? This way he can pay for all his other things himself?
I don't know which is better. Any suggestions?


New Member
I know absolutely nothing about Social Security, but will the apartment complex let you sublease to difficult child? I think most of the places around here won't allow anyone to live in an apartment who isn't on the lease. I think you've said this isn't a regular apartment complex, so maybe it's different where he is living.


Former desparate mom
I don't believe I can do the lease/rent thing as it is subsidizing his housing.
I can however buy a condo and rent it to him. Not that I will be if we start to age and difficult child hasn't found his way then I will probably do that via a special needs trust.