Alot of us parents when we first find the board are at the ends of our rope and are desperate. We've tried all we know to try. We've struggled so long with our difficult children alone that we are emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. Many of us have unintentionally isolated ourselves while attempting to deal with life with a difficult child.
I know when I found this board many yrs ago I was one of those desperate parents. I was in a very bad place and saw no real hope for the future.
I've read thru some of your posts. And while difficult child seems very unstable, you also seem in need. It's not so uncommon. We get so wrapped up in trying to help our kids we simply put ourselves on the back burner. But it takes it's toll. been there done that
While getting help for difficult child, one of the biggest things I've learned since coming to the board is how important a support system is for a parent of a difficult child. I've learned that taking time to take care of myself was a big factor in being able to care for my difficult children. The old, If Momma ain't doing good, no one is. Thing.
I had to teach myself to take time for me, even if that just meant a walk around the block with no difficult child's, or a nice long hot shower. Many of us have needed therapy ourselves, or medications to help us cope better. No shame in it. I've finally gotten to where I don't feel guilty if I do a little something just for myself. And I sure do feel a whole lot better after I do.
The board was my lifeline. It was the first time I'd come across parents who really understood living with a difficult child.
You have every right to come and unload. That's what we're here for is to support each other. So many of us have been or are where you are now. Honestly, we don't mind a bit. :smile:
Not sleeping is not helping your situation. been there done that Have you asked your fam doctor for something to help you sleep at nite? When you don't get adequate rest it's difficult to deal with even simple issues at times. Back when I was having a real problem sleeping I was living thru my own personal h#ll. I was so exhausted I didn't even recognize it. It was horrible.
My husband didn't get the whole difficult child thing for many years. He thought our difficult child's were on a personal crusade to drive him crazy. And his attitude only made matters worse. It took alot of educating him, forcing him to go to doctor appoints, and such to finally turn him around. Now when I think back to how husband used to act, it makes me want to laugh. But it was anything but funny at the time.
It's really tough when the other parent isn't quite on the same page.