WhyMeMom ... there actually ARE jobs like that! I don't imagine they ever have too many job openings though...
Years ago I used to work for a large daily newspaper in Florida. We had lots and LOTS of employees who made frequent business trips and we used one particular travel agency that was nearby. This agency sold a lot of package deals on tourist travel, resorts, cruises, etc. but they were very careful which hotels and cruiselines they dealt with and checked them all out first. This challenging job was held by a chubby, nerdy, middle-aged little bald guy named Arthur! They paid Arthur VERY well to take cruises to the Bahamas and month-long trips to Europe, to stay in the best hotels and eat in the fanciest restaurants! He came to the newspaper one time to make a presentation about the agencys services, and the man actually had the NERVE to try to convince us what a tough job he had! Even he couldn't do it with a straight face! :grin: He actually had to check under the hotel beds for dust bunnies and go through and inspect the hotel kitchens with his little checklist! Poor Arthur! Hey, it's a dirty job but SOMEBODY has to do it! Arthur was NOT planning to change jobs anytime soon ... we all asked him!
MY ideal job would probably be to own an antique store, but I don't know how good I'd be at it. Knowing me, I would fall in love with all the stuff and then not want to sell it to anybody! I can see it now ... "You don't really want that, do you.....?" A pet shop would be good too!