on difficult child tonight. With everything that has gone on when difficult child was little this is the first time the police were called. I can't remember being as sad as I am right now. It's a long story.
difficult child has been in a major difficult child way today as far as attention seeking, whining, tantruming. He was bored and wanted us to take him to the mall or Target, or anywhere really so he could get something. We weren't going to do that. I offered to play Wii Bowling or some card or dice games but unless I was going to play Monopoly with him (which I really didn't want to) nothing would satisfy him. He was the same way with husband.
easy child/difficult child came down and soon started getting into it with him. husband told them both to stop especially easy child/difficult child because she wouldn't let things rest. husband was going to take easy child/difficult child out with him to get her out for a bit and went to the bathroom. While he was in there she asked him to move his gym bag and he said know. She picked it up and moved it (set it down rudely) and so he picked up her computer. She went for the computer and he ended up throwing it at her and punching her in the face.
He felt like she was charging him and he felt he acted in self defense. I think it took him back to when she was 14 and would pick on him sometimes physically. She says she should know she wouldn't charge him because he is so much bigger than him so why would she be charging him.
The police came and he had taken off (he was really scared). They looked for him for about 20 minutes and then found him hiding. In the meantime another police officer was talking with us and then talked to easy child/difficult child.
Not that it excused him but it even looked to me like she was charging at him. Neither one gets the point when to leave things alone even when we are telling them.
They didn't take him in and told him he wasn't in any trouble.
Anyways, easy child/difficult child was telling me how he is the root of all her depression. She hates him. She doesn't see how we can love him when he is the way he is. She says she can't because she sees what he does to us and how he monopolizes our time and how much stress it puts on us. This was much more true when she was younger but we have tried always to give her alone time but in truth the way he is he monopolizes the attention of anyone he is around. She says it is why she wants to move to California someday to be far away from him.
My heart feels broken for both kids although difficult child truly doesn't get it. In fact, he is already driving me crazy. Of course, I don't think easy child/difficult child gets it either. She is still steaming mad and won't listen to anyone about anything.
Right now I just want to run away. I don't even know what to do. Both kids had been doing so well (in difficult child terms) and now this. I don't know how to solve this. easy child/difficult child can't move out because truly she can't afford it and neither can we.
Thanks for listening. I'm trying so hard right now to not start crying again but I don't think it is going to work.
difficult child has been in a major difficult child way today as far as attention seeking, whining, tantruming. He was bored and wanted us to take him to the mall or Target, or anywhere really so he could get something. We weren't going to do that. I offered to play Wii Bowling or some card or dice games but unless I was going to play Monopoly with him (which I really didn't want to) nothing would satisfy him. He was the same way with husband.
easy child/difficult child came down and soon started getting into it with him. husband told them both to stop especially easy child/difficult child because she wouldn't let things rest. husband was going to take easy child/difficult child out with him to get her out for a bit and went to the bathroom. While he was in there she asked him to move his gym bag and he said know. She picked it up and moved it (set it down rudely) and so he picked up her computer. She went for the computer and he ended up throwing it at her and punching her in the face.
He felt like she was charging him and he felt he acted in self defense. I think it took him back to when she was 14 and would pick on him sometimes physically. She says she should know she wouldn't charge him because he is so much bigger than him so why would she be charging him.
The police came and he had taken off (he was really scared). They looked for him for about 20 minutes and then found him hiding. In the meantime another police officer was talking with us and then talked to easy child/difficult child.
Not that it excused him but it even looked to me like she was charging at him. Neither one gets the point when to leave things alone even when we are telling them.
They didn't take him in and told him he wasn't in any trouble.
Anyways, easy child/difficult child was telling me how he is the root of all her depression. She hates him. She doesn't see how we can love him when he is the way he is. She says she can't because she sees what he does to us and how he monopolizes our time and how much stress it puts on us. This was much more true when she was younger but we have tried always to give her alone time but in truth the way he is he monopolizes the attention of anyone he is around. She says it is why she wants to move to California someday to be far away from him.
My heart feels broken for both kids although difficult child truly doesn't get it. In fact, he is already driving me crazy. Of course, I don't think easy child/difficult child gets it either. She is still steaming mad and won't listen to anyone about anything.
Right now I just want to run away. I don't even know what to do. Both kids had been doing so well (in difficult child terms) and now this. I don't know how to solve this. easy child/difficult child can't move out because truly she can't afford it and neither can we.
Thanks for listening. I'm trying so hard right now to not start crying again but I don't think it is going to work.