I am so glad I got to meet both CW and Joy in April of this year. We had planned a meet about 5 years ago, right about the time, CW feel and injured his leg, that later resulted in amputation.
Joy first welcomed me to this board 8 years ago. I believe she was on the board, before Abby, the previous owner of the board, when Mamabear was coordinating a board that preceded this one.
She was there for me in the wee late hours of the evening, while I worried and fretted over difficult child and GFGmom. She was so kind and supportive.
Mattsmom, you are right about CW and Joy being so totally devoted to each other.
They are as they seem on this board, no surprises, just as sweet as you would think. Joy and I just held hands the whole time we visited. We laughed and smiled, and talked about good times and bad times.
I too pray that CW will feel heal from this tragedy, and that he will have peace, knowing that Joy suffers no more. She would not want him to grieve as I know that he must in order to heal.