For families who follow Santa....


Active Member
Santa has started his annual trip around the world! An organization called NORAD has a website and Facebook page that allows you to follow Santa's journey around the globe. You can tap into the site by googling "NORAD tracks Santa".

Lines ger very busy but kids can call. 1-877-HINORAD.

Have a wonderful day today! Merry Christmas!


Shooting from the Hip
The link - and is this awful that I don't even have to Google it? - is I've been following him since 2002... So this will be my 11th year.

When Jett was smaller he thought it was super cool. Now of course... They know that Santa isn't a person but a spirit of giving. But both kids are eager to teach Meggie about Santa...
There is also a link on google. Santa was just heading to japan a while ago. I learned some new islands in Micronesia. It has how many presents and how many kilometers.


Active Member
Older members know this, but for newer members: NORAD Santa tracking is a joint project between US and Canadian military members based out of Canada's NORAD installation, which is just up the hill from me. I lived on that base for several years, now am about 5 minutes drive from the gates. These are great men and women who must really enjoy this. My kiddos always thought it super cool when we were little that many of our neighbors were helpers for Santa in this way :)