Jukebox: Sorry I am just getting back to you but I was gone for a few days. About the Gaba Calm. I have done so much research that sometimes I get confused!!! I actually got the idea from Doris Rapp's book "Is this your child?" I thought it was worth a try and it did help. I started out very slow with 1 chewable pill at night and then increased to 1 in the morning and 2 at night. The health food store also recommended it. Also, when I took difficult child into to see the pyschiatrist he was amazed that I was using it and the Efalex. He thought it was a great idea. I think the Efalex has been the greatest help and I would beg on a street corner if I had too!!! Someone asked how long it took. You really need to give it 2-3 months. I didn't ntoice much difference until about the 6th week and then it was sutle. I know if we run out I can tell the differnce within a few days. I am giving him 2 fish oil gel tabs and 4 Efalex a day just to save a little. I agree with most on the board that the combination in the Efalex seems to work the best. I dont know if it is the AA in it like some say but something works. I would be willing to try the other brands but just haven't done so. I think the Gaba Calm seems to help him focus alittle better. I would like more info on the Child Calm. Take care. Deb