good article on DSM5 criteria change.


New Member

CNN article which has easy to understand ideas about the possible good or neg. with the new DSM5 criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). It also discusses ptsd changes and a couple of others.
I think the idea presented to not rediagnose unless clinically needed is good. I also tend to agree that some of the more broad based criteria could help catch some people who are not able to be diagnosis yet (like can struggle with social skills vs not having them) and age level criteria. Just liked that it presented both sides. This will all be interesting to see how it plays out.

Q would easily meet criteria with either dsm but I still think it's very interesting.


Well-Known Member
I'm really having a problem with dropping the "Asperger's" label, though.
It really is a unique sub-set within the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) diagnosis.
There's no way the Aspies I know would EVER consider themselves to be Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). In fact, they would fight the label tooth and nail. They are - truthfully - different from Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) - or even Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified.


New Member
I completely agree and actually think it will never go away because it is almost cultural now (a good thing in my humble opinion, sort of a positive identity) and it has evolved into a loosely similar community to the Deaf community (but not the same, not a debate over that here ). I think embracing the qualities and challenges and self advocacy and peer support that comes with the term Asperger's is really valuable. I'd actually be sad if that went backward.
In terms of medical support, I sometimes don't think people diagnosis with Asperger's get a fair shake. Sometimes the challenges are not appreciated as much by some people.

I said on a different thread, in real life I suspect people will continue to use the individual terms ongoing. It just helps cut through some of the conversation and people can more quickly relate and offer support.


Well-Known Member
As sort of an aside, I so wish that childhood bipolar had been even considered back when I was a child. There was pretty much nothing as far as pediatric mental health in those days. I was just "bad". If I had been given even a quarter of the help kids get today I cant imagine where I would have been today. I know without one iota of a doubt I have childhood onset bipolar and I know it is different than adult onset and that it presents differently your entire life. Now whether or not I could convince a group of psychiatrists of this fact is a koishoot.


Well-Known Member
I'm really having a problem with dropping the "Asperger's" label, though.
It really is a unique sub-set within the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) diagnosis.
There's no way the Aspies I know would EVER consider themselves to be Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). In fact, they would fight the label tooth and nail. They are - truthfully - different from Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) - or even Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified.

You should go to "Wrong Planet." Many Aspies don't care. It IS on the spectrum.


Well-Known Member
MY Aspie cares. A LOT. But of course... it's ALL a spectrum, and a wide variety of isms included in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).