G'day, Sharon. Today (Wednesday) is always my big work day, with someone coming in to help me with the heavier side of house cleaning and bulk cooking. He hasn't been for several weeks because of the filming schedule, but that's all done with now. But it was definitely not a good day - just enough rain (more like a heavy dew) to stop me from hanging out the washing, but not enough to water the ground. My house helper sucked something up my vacuum cleaner and the hose is blocked; and then he had a HUGE go at me for letting easy child 2/difficult child 2 watch such a satanic TV show as "Charmed" (she was home from work, viewing her way through the entire collection).
I'm a tad flabbergasted. I suggested that if he wants "Charmed" on the banned list, he'd better add "Lord of the Rings", too.
His response? "If necessary."
He's an old friend but I could have his job for this if I were so inclined. I'm not, but I'm really wondering what else in my life he disapproves of.
I wonder how he feels about "Chronicles of Narnia"? What about Arthur Miller's "The Crucible"?
I know he mixes with a small group of people who have been expressing concerns to me about easy child 2/difficult child 2 having the reputation of being a witch. This was pure rumour which she encouraged when she was still at school because it kept the bullies away. She is definitely not a witch in any form. The only ones who believed she was were a handful of not very bright young boys; and, of course, this group of odd people who seem to see bogeymen under every blanket. I actually suspect the rumours about easy child 2/difficult child 2 being a witch STARTED with this group of adults about five years ago, after they saw her playing a card game where she and a couple of female friends were pulling cards out of a deck and assigning various male Hollywood stars to the male picture cards they drew - just girlish gossip and silliness. But it could also explain why some of her old friends have been banned from talking to her on public transport.
And, of course, I dress like a gypsy, dabble with herbs and home school my child.
How far away are we from Salem?
Have a good Wednesday, anyway.