Great book about boy with asperger's


Well-Known Member
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.

This was one of difficult child's summer reading assignments and we just got done listening to the audiobook. It's great insight into the mind of an autistic teen. It would have been difficult for my difficult child to read it since her mind would never have followed the ramblings. But the audio was a great way for her to understand the book and what it must be like for a person with asperger's. I was glad we listened to it together.

It certainly gives fuel for a lot of discussion on many different topics.



New Member
I thought it was really an excellent book.

There are also a couple of non-fiction memoir type books about people with autism spectrum disorders that I recommend:

"Reasonable People," by Ralph Savarese (father's account of adopting a 6 year old with autism, with lots of political commentary)

"Not Even Wrong," by Paul Collins (father's account of his autistic son's early years, interwoven with his research about historical "autists")

"Aquamarine Blue 5" (essay collection of writings by college students with autism spectrum disorders).


Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 11pt'>I enjoyed this book also. It's so hard to understand what life is like for kids who think different. I'm glad schools are making students read this sort of book. My easy child had to read a book written by a easy child who has a sister with MR who rides a bus. easy child finally got some insight into what life is like for his older difficult child brother. It is obvious to me that it really made an impact on easy child.

I'm a big fan of audio books. I prefer them on long drives to actual company. I have a library of light mysteries but now I'm going to learn how to down load from amazon and cut my own CD.(sounds like I know what I'm doing doesn't it? :rofl:) I will need easy child, difficult child or husband to look over my shoulder to do this. </span>


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of audio books too Fran. I prefer it to talking too. This is the only way we can get difficult child to do her summer reading assignments and I look for any long road trips I can find to get them read. This summer was tough because we haven't taken any long trips, so I settle for listening to 10 minutes at a time.

I'm glad her school chose this book also. The kids and parents have been complaining for years that the summer reading assignments are dull and not relevant to their lives. Te next book we are listening to is Speak, about a girl starting high school.



Former desparate mom
The audio books were a good way to get my son's to listen to stories that weren't about their particular interest too. It opened the door to other possibilities.
I agree with you, Nancy, that reading books that are relevant to the age group is a much better way to encourage summer reading. I'm sure it will have an impact on your difficult child.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Our book club read this book last year-it was a good book. easy child picked it up on her own and has read about half of it.


Active Member
I'm going to have to dig for that audio book, it would be a good way to get difficult child 3 into it. I was recommended the book a few years ago by the paediatric immunologist who was studying difficult child 3's 'mystery illness' which turned out to be stress. She said she's seen it at an airport, grabbed it and couldn't put it down for the whole flight. I borrowed it from the library, read it then went looking for my own copy. Soon after I bought a copy, sister in law gave it to me for Christmas.

To keep all the info together - the title is "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon. The author does not have autism or Asperger's and has won awards for his writing. I'm not surprised. There is a deceptive simplicity in this book.

I'm trying to get my boys to read it (it's not as if we don't have enough copies!) but it could be a bit too deep for difficult child 3, at least. He really is too much like Christopher, the main character in the book; plus, the emotional journey Christopher has to travel would be too distressing and too alien for difficult child 3, where he is at the moment.

And your US schools are using this as curriculum material? I might make some suggestions over here, it could only help with understanding. Maybe a book review in our local paper?



Well-Known Member
I didn't know you could download books on I'll have to check that out, it will come in very handy.



New Member
Thanks for the book recommendations. I used to put audio books in the tape player when driving it was a great way to entertain the kids when on a long trip. Nowdays they have dvd and tv's built into the family vans. My grandkids watch stupid videos (spongebob, dora, etc) I think they would be way better off with the audio books. But then what do I know???? I only helped raise up 20+ foster kids in addition to my own 4. -RM