Sheena-Warrior Momma
Hi! I am a 37 yo Mom with 1 difficult child and 2 semi-easy child's. Our difficult child is 9 now and was diagnosis'd at 6 with ADHD and ODD. We thought we were doing fine but in the last year our difficult child has been getting worse. Biggest problems are lying without remorse even when faced with obvious proof of truth, stealing from us and now the neighbor kids, and destruction of his own property, neighborhood kids property, husband's and my property including our home (i.e. walls, doors, carpet, etc). We are at our wits end. He is on RX's for the ADHD but the ODD is getting worse. I dread every day and what battle will be fought today when he gets home from school. In addition I have spinal stenosis and deg. disc disease so a lot of time he gets the better of me because I am in pain. Last night he scraped paint off his bedroom wall, beautiful new paint job, and started digging a hole in the drywall! I broke down in tears. husband says to get him to a behavioral specialist, like our difficult child can control all this. I say it is worse than that and we need to get our difficult child psychiatric help or an Residential Treatment Center (RTC) because the other 2 easy child's are even fed up with difficult child, they are usually supportive. This is destroying our home and I just don't know what to do next!