SS missed every single day of school last week because of tonsillitis. We had him from Thursday through our weekend and took him home yesterday. We spent the entire weekend battling him to do all the make up homework that the teachers sent for him to do during the week he was off. He would sit here at the table and cry and scream that it was way too much work and that he wasn't doing it. We only managed to get him to do a little of it and he lied and told us that he had already done some of the stuff on the list and just didn't turn it in. Not true of course. I can't believe that an almost 13 year old was sitting here hyperventilating, crying and almost having a panic attack over having to do homework. And that is because homework takes him away from his video games. And so does school, and that is why he is refusing to go to school. Which he did again this morning. Another meltdown at the school this morning, so bio mom calls husband, who was almost at work, to come get him and take him to daycare because she can't be late again to work or she is in danger of losing her job. husband will be in danger of losing his job too, he cannot take off to take this child to daycare everyday just because he refuses to go to school. Not to mention husband works 30 miles away from the school. SS told husband that he promises to go to school the rest of the year. Same thing he promised us yesterday before we took him home but then when he gets to school, another meltdown and he doesn't have to go. Something needs to be done. SS told husband he would rather go to juvie than go to school. He may get his wish on that if this keeps up. husband told me that he thinks that SS is seriously mentally ill and that bio mom needs to file those unruly child charges on him since he insists on being permanently truant from school. I think he needs to be in residential treatment or therapeutic foster care, because he is beyond being parented at all. And during these meltdowns and rages, he is going to seriously hurt someone.