Oh, THANK you DDD and Karen. I was ousted from my office for a few days because of a bathroom remodel, and I just can't seem to get the hang of the keyboard on my laptop!
We received a call on Friday from our son's program coordinator telling us that, because it was Easter and a family-type holiday, we could visit our son if we wished and bring him an Easter basket! Remember, I was stressing about that? I had decided that, since he had not made his status and we wouldn't be seeing him, to NOT do an Easter basket and had basically put Easter in the back of my mind. Well, of course, that phone call changed everything.
So, I rushed out to shop (his program coordinator, having gotten "my number" a while ago, reminded me that "this isn't Christmas" and to not go overboard with his basket), and we made reservations, packed, and made the trip to see him yesterday.
His program coordinator, in that phone call, told me that he feels that our son is making some progress, although in "baby steps," and I sensed that when we saw him. He was actually talking about future plans and had some solid ideas to back them up. This is a first for him. However, as many of you have pointed out many times, he's still a difficult child. One of his "plans" was that, when he comes home for good in a few more months, he'd like to "take some time off." When I asked him what he was taking "some time off" FROM, he told me that he had "worked hard for 17 1/2 years" and needed a "rest." Yeah...right!
Hugs back at you too! Hope you had a nice Easter!