trying to survive....
Just wondering if Lamictil helps with mania? I do know that it is a mood stabilizer and tends to be good with helping the depressive side of things....but what about mania/hypomania?
difficult child 2 has been on lamictil for about 5 weeks....He just seems to be hyper...non-stop singing...talking...playing his instruments....some repeated words over and over..(possibly some type of verbal tic..who knows??)...quick somewhat sassy responses to questions...and an obsession with tv and electronics...and not wanting to transition away from them...and of course...not wanting to read his required reading!! These things were present prior to starting the Lamictil..and I'm just waiting for him to get a bit better. He does seem to be a bit better in turns of being reactive...
He is also now off of Lexapro...He was on 5 mg for the past several months and I've weaned him off...
difficult child 2 has been on lamictil for about 5 weeks....He just seems to be hyper...non-stop singing...talking...playing his instruments....some repeated words over and over..(possibly some type of verbal tic..who knows??)...quick somewhat sassy responses to questions...and an obsession with tv and electronics...and not wanting to transition away from them...and of course...not wanting to read his required reading!! These things were present prior to starting the Lamictil..and I'm just waiting for him to get a bit better. He does seem to be a bit better in turns of being reactive...
He is also now off of Lexapro...He was on 5 mg for the past several months and I've weaned him off...