Mixed up Mom
New Member
It sure is tough, especially at the holidays. As I have posted before, I have one older homeless son in his forties, who wants me to help him constantly, I have another younger, married son in his early thirties, who hardly talks to me at all. I don't get it. I guess I just spoiled them too much. My homeless son now tells me he can get a place, if I help him get in the paperwork. He is on disability for mental problems. He has recently completed a drug program again. I have been through this many times. I've helped him get places and soon he will get kicked out for tearing things up, fighting, drugs, etc. etc. I am just worn out. I am 65 years old and on social security myself. I do help him out with food and warm clothing sometimes. I just don't have any more to give. I'm worn out. He expects my help. I hate this for all of us on this site. How much do I keep on doing?