Hi and welcome. Has he ever been evaluated by a Psychiatrist (with the MD) or a neuropsychologist? Do you have any mood disorders (bipolar, depression) on either side of the family tree? Any neurological problems in the family (quirky reltives, Aspergers, high functioning autism). ODD is not really a very useful diagnosis. because all our kids behave with ODD behaviors. The CAUSE of the ODD is more important. in my opinion if ADHD medications don't work for him, likely he has more going on than ADHD/ODD. I would get a new evaluation and use both a Psychiatrist (the doctor guy) and a neuropsychologist. If he is getting all F's you need to know if there is a psychiatric problem impeding his progress (that's what a psychiatrist is for) and if he has real, tangible learning problems (the neuropsychologist tests for that--a regular counselor or even regular psychologist doesn't normally do any testing). I am guessing with my "mom gut" and experience AND in my opinion (and I'm no doctor, but we went through so many wrong diagnosis. with son) that the diagnosis. is wrong and that's why he isn't being helped as well as she should be. ADHD medications can make certain disorders even worse. in my opinion, and years of experience, you do need an IEP, but the school district personal are horrible diagnosticians and until the child is stable and on track, the IEP can deal with the behaviors in strategic ways, but nothing will really change your child until he feels better. Teachers are educators and they don't usually know much about what is going on with our kids. They can tell you when something is wrong, but they should never suggest what it is because they don't know. Psychiatrists with MD's rarely make a diagnosis. of ODD. Often kids dxd. with ODD tend to do good on BiPolar (BP) medications, which makes it "iffy" if they have ODD or bipolar. Check with the big guns--Psychiatrists and NeuroPsychs. As always, JMHO