you know, before my oldest got some of her diagnosis'es she was treated one way at school, but when she got different diagnosis'es they did treat her and view her thru very different eyes. For the longest time she had a diagnosis of ADD, and they handled her nonchalantly, but as soon as they added "mood disorder" they began to act as if she might act ...possessed or something and when they changed her diagnosis to bipolar you woulda thought they expected her to suddenly become a raving maniac foaming at the mouth or something. I kept trying to tell them HEY! she is still the same kid she always was....but -----they seemed like upon seeing certain diagnosis's, they would have different expectations for how she might then behave. My dtr NEVER had a rage at school.....she NEVER had a meltdown or tantrum at school-----she never touched another person not once, and she never threw ANYTHING.
BUT after getting a formal diagnosis of bipola,r they used to act afraid of her..and they would get defensive and they kept trying to put things into her IEP about "what if she...." and I kept saying why are we discussing this- have you seen anything to even hint she might? they kept saying no--but then they would add in this "but........"
AND as I said above, our 1-1 situation sure was ......different. Actually, I asked several times outright if the school had hired the 1-1 to deliberately trigger my dtr.
My dtrs 1-1 did some very bizarre things----
One day she was sitting beside my dtr and began to yell very loud, Buffy! you have bugs walking in your hair. Over and over. In front of the whole class.
In an IEP meeting 1-1 attended it was decided for Buffy to be permitted to write in a journal WHENEVER she felt a panic attack coming on- no matter WHAT the rest of the class was doing------in order to try to reduce Buffys need to leave class to go to "safe place" we were trying to get her to be able to self calm in the room. In the IEP meeting it was decided Buffy would not have to explain herself, or share what she wrote with ANYONE. so long as she quietly took out her special notebook it was supposed to be OK. 1-1 repeatedly would yank the journal away from Buffy and read it out loud to class.
Then the 1-1 decided it was her duty to go into the STALL with Buffy. Noone asked 1-1 to do so, there had never been any reason for 1-1 to do so--but 1-1 decided she HAD to keep Buffy in her line of vision at all times. (nevermind 1-1 did not even arrive at school until 3rd hour and often left Buffy to run errands for teacher)
Clearly NONE of these things fell into the original intention of my kid having a 1-1. Instead of being supportive or encouraging or calming, our experience was more to the effect of, gosh darn, are you here to trigger the worst in this kid? Maybe to justify outplacement or triggeer a bigger problem?