I'm going through this too. Of course I want difficult child to do well academically. Now to reality, difficult child hates school. Loathes it. Always has. Is socially inept. For the first time since being a toddler, his behaviours are "pretty much" in check. A few incidents but nothing to freak out over, pretty much getting frustrated and responding inappropriatly but nothing that other students without a history of being a difficult child might also have trouble with. This is SUCCESS at this point for my difficult child. I never imagined the peace and calm in difficult child, I had very nearly sadly given up on difficult child changing. Pushing him academically is a issue. It will trigger past negative responses. I am at a point where I am so proud of difficult child's changes and maturity with his behaviours, his control over himself even when he finds it difficult. I am not ready to rock the boat. I am of the mind that as long as he is passing, for at least another year of positive behaviours and reactions, I am not rocking his boat. Period. The school doesn't support this. They figure he seems behaviourally close to other students in his class, therefore it is a "downright shame and neglectful parenting" to not push him hard academically "because he's wasting his brilliant mind". Well that's their opinion. This school hadn't ever seen difficult child at his worst. He was expelled in June, they got him at this school in Sept. by the school board FORCING them to take him against their will. Luckily he made changes, and they never dealt with the "old difficult child". Well good! Celebrate his accomplishments! Every incident this school year has been due to them pushing him and telling him basically he is wasting his life and intelligence, his low (passing, 60's) grades are unacceptable and they push push push for what they say he SHOULD be getting grade wise (they want high 90's from him!!!). I have tuned them out and told difficult child to do the same. I told him I am happy he has pulled up to 60's and is also maintaining his behaviours. For now. I told him expectations go up a bit next year since he is obviously capable. We made it "our deal" and it is working for us. I tried till blue in the face to help school understand. They refuse to. I no longer listen to their criticisms. They didn't have to raise difficult child at his worst. They didnt' have to watch their son move out and go through he#@ for a year and a half with other family before he reached his own limit and made changes on his own and came home. They haven't been there. They dont' know me, and haven't bothered to understand difficult child and where he's coming from.
I say do what you know is working for you and your difficult child. If the school is receptive, all the better. If not, well still do what is best for you and your difficult child.
Good luck!